Chapter 14

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Gray reached across the seat, taking your hand in his own. You gulped back a sob at the comfort you felt from his kind gesture.

"Lyon knew? How?" He asked.

You bit your lip as a scorching tear burned its way down your cheek. Thinking about it never got easier. "Lyon saw me leaving the clinic. He was going to his after school job at your uncles office next door. I was a mess. I couldn't believe what I'd just done. It didn't take him long to figure out what'd happened." Your throat, chest, and heart were on fire.

"What did he do, (N/N)?"

You pulled your legs up, wrapping your arms around them in a bid to protect yourself from the conversation. "He blackmailed me," you said. "It was nothing serious, really, mostly things like making me step out of the way when he wanted to get with Juvia, making me pick him up in the middle of the night when he needed a ride, give him money, false references for new jobs he wanted, getting me and my friends to agree to go on trips he knew I wouldn't ever want to go on because we didn't like him."

"Bastard," Gray muttered, clenching his jaw and grinding his teeth.

"Every time I tried to convince Juvia that Lyon was an asshole, I pictured his face—that half smirk and one raised eyebrow, telling me he knew something I didn't want getting out." You took a deep breath. "I wanted Juvia to be free of him, but I couldn't let anyone know what I'd done. I hate myself for what I did, and I hate everything I did to keep it a secret."

"Why have you still not told your parents?"

Blinking rapidly, you looked up to stop fresh tears from falling. "Because I'm ashamed and because it's my biggest regret. I was such a mess inside, Gray. Dating (exes name) messed me up and just about broke me. I had no self-esteem or self-respect. He cheated constantly, and I never broke it off and never told a soul. My parents would be so disappointed in me for having sex so young, for being irresponsible, and for the abortion. I would do anything to go back in time and change what happened."

Gray squeezed your hand again. He looked so out of depth, but the fact that he was trying to comfort and support you meant the world. "Please don't beat yourself up. You were young, (Y/N)."

"So? I was old enough to have sex. I was old enough to deal with the consequences." Well, you weren't, but you made choices, despite knowing deep down you should have been making better decisions. "I just wish I had thought it through before I made a snap decision. Now I have to live with it."

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that alone."

"I make such a big deal out of everyone else not keeping secrets when mine is so..." you shook your head and pressed your forehead to your knees.

"I put a man in the hospital," he said.

You looked up through your eyelashes. "What?"

"When I was sixteen, I was a bit of a fighter. Actually, I lived for it."


"I was angry," he said.


He smirked. "Man, you're nosy."

You turned your body to face his. "Hey, I told you my biggest, deepest regret that no one else knows. Your turn, remember?" He reached up and wiped a small tear from under your eye, and you stopped breathing for a second. "What happened, Gray?"

"I don't have a good relationship with my mom, which you already know." You nodded. "I was angry with her for not caring enough, and angry at her for loving Lyon more. She couldn't handle us both on her own, so she picked the golden boy. My dad worked a lot, so I was alone most of the time. I didn't have many friends—not real ones, anyway. A group of us would hang out on the street, drink, and get into fights."

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