Chapter 12

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You sat cross legged on your bed in a daze. Two of your friends had hidden big, fat secrets from you. Strike that—technically four had. You knew that if you told anyone else what you knew, you could land Jellal and Lucy both in trouble. After all, the secrets they'd kept could be seen as motives.

An awful thought kept popping into your head over and over until you wanted to scream: What if it was one of them? Clearly you didn't know your friends as well as you thought, but there was a massive difference between not disclosing every aspect of your life and murder.

This all felt like some horrible roller coaster ride, and you wanted to get off.

Your best friend had been murdered and three other friends could be responsible for it. How could you keep it to yourself if you found out one was responsible? And how could you turn one of them in? It was too hard to choose between the people you loved, even if they had committed a heinous crime. You had to choose, and it was so hard because two people had lost their lives, and they deserved justice.

You picked up your phone and called Juvia's cousin, Meredy. You hadn't spoken since a brief encounter at the funeral, and you were hoping she could make things clearer for you. She had grown up with Juvia. Her mom was never around, so she's practically lived with Juve and Juvia's parents until she'd moved away to university.

"(N/N)," she said, picking up on the first ring.

"Hey, how are you?" You closed your eyes. Stupid, stupid question, (Y/N)!

"I'm doing alright, you?"

"Yeah, OK, I guess. Are you busy tomorrow, Meredy?"

"Not really. I'm packing to go back to uni, but apart from that, sod all."

She was going back so soon? How was everyone starting to move on again so soon?

"You want to meet up for lunch?" She asked.

"That sounds good," you said, nodding even though she couldn't see you.

"Wanna meet at the Lion at eleven thirty?"

"Sure. I'll see you then."

"Bye." She hung up but you stayed still, the phone still up to your ear. You hadn't thought she would leave so soon. Juvia had practically been a sister to her. Was the same thing happening to Meredy as was happening to Gray? Was Juvia's mom giving her the cold shoulder, wishing it had been Meredy instead?

Your phone buzzed. A number you didn't recognize flashed on the screen with a text message. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

"What?" You whispered. Who was that? You held the phone in your trembling hand.

Unsure if you should try to call or reply, you stared at the message, trying to work out what was meant by it—and, more importantly, who could've sent it.

Who is this? You typed your reply and sent it before you could change your mind.

You stared at the screen and waited for the longest time. Seconds turned into minutes, and there was no reply.

What's going on? Is someone trying to mess with me? Your mouth fell open, and you dropped the phone. It's from the killer. How had they gotten your number? Did you know them?

"(Y/N)?" Mom shouted up the stairs. You jumped at the sound of her voice and grabbed your phone. "Jellal's here. I'm sending him up."

In a panic, you stuffed your phone under your pillow and took a breath. "Thanks," you called.

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