Chapter 17

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Oh God. You dropped to the floor beside Gray's shaking, broken mother. She had just lost her son and now her brother, and she looked as if she was about to die too. Gray looked at you like a lost puppy. "Mom..." he said, his voice cracking.

You reached out and wrapped one arm around his moms back, scooting closer to her. "I'm so sorry, Ur," You whispered soothingly, pulling her close to you. She fell limp into your lap and cried. You shook from the heavy vibrations that rocked Ur's sobbing body. "Shh, it's OK. Are you alone? Is there someone we can call?" She had a friend who'd come by most days since Lyon had died.

"Yes, I'm alone," she croaked. "I'm alone."

She said it in a way that broke your heart for Gray. She may have lost a son and her brother, but she wasn't alone. She still had Gray.

"OK," you said. "I'm going to take you to bed so you can lie down and then Gray and I will sort out who to call and what to do next."

She didn't reply, but she didn't try to stop you when you hooked your arm under hers and lifted her up. Gray stepped in and helped, doing most of the lifting, and you carried her to her room.

Practical things Gray could do, but with the emotional stuff, he was about as useful as a teapot.

"Gray, don't you...don't you do anything stupid. Don't you get yourself killed," she whispered and started to sob so hard her weight seemed to double.

"I'm not going anywhere...Mom," he replied, sounding about a thousand miles out of his comfort zone.

Ur cried harder when he called her Mom. She didn't stop when you laid her down or when you promised you'd help her through losing Pete. She hugged her pillow, pressing her face into cotton as she broke down. Her fingers gripped it with such force her knuckles turned white.

"Do you need anything? Water?" You asked, stroking her hair.

"N-no. Look a-after him," she replied, curling into the fetal position.

"I will," you promised her. "Would you like us to stay?" She shook her head and curled up tighter. "OK, we'll check on you soon." Standing up, you nodded to the door, telling Gray you were leaving.

"How do you know what to do?" He asked as you left the room. He looked like hell, like he hasn't slept in weeks. But even though he wasn't at his best, he still made your heart beat faster.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Gray." You wrapped your arms around his waist and his body tensed. You knew he wasn't exactly a cuddly person, but with you hugging him and him not hugging back, things quickly got awkward. This was a mistake. You were about to pull away, but he very slowly lifted his arms and snaked them around your back.

You answered his question, "I don't really know what to do. I just did what I would want someone to do for me. All you have to do is look after her, think about what you would want if the tables were turned."

"I've never had to do that," he whispered, tucking your head under his chin.

"You do now. I know you've not had a lot of experience or the best relationship with your mom, but she needs you now. You need her too."

"Hmm. So when you fall apart, I need to remember to put you to bed."

You pulled back, but he didn't loosen his grip, so you couldn't quite see his face. "I'm falling apart?"

"Not yet. You're not done protecting everyone yet."

You weren't sure who you were trying to protect. You didn't know who was guilty and who was innocent. "Does that mean you're sticking around, then? Even after you're allowed to leave town and go back to your dads?" You asked. If he said no or told you only until this was all over, you'd be broken. You'd not known each other long, but it was long enough for you to willingly hand over your heart. It was his now.

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