Arendelle's Pride

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The day was very sunny and warm, there was a rather soft wind coming from the North, the famous Sammel valley looked incredibly green and three riders abandoned the Forest of Snowhall a few minutes after noon, riding downhill together on their way to the Front.

Anna advanced ahead while Kristoff and Alice were riding at each side a little distance behind her, they rode between lakes and rocks and very soon they arrived at the very first trenches, campsites and military hospitals that the Arendellan Army had prepared as part of the famous Sammel Line...

The Princess looked majestic wearing once again the purple uniform, her cavalry saber and that elegant green cloak, and this time she completed everything by carrying a great flag of Arendelle which was rippling high above her in the wind.

"It's her Highness!" the purple-cloaked soldiers would cry out and scream to each other, so many of them emerging from their green and purple tents as Anna and company passed by- "She's back! Princess Anna is back!"

Kristoff and Alice looked very proud to be escorting Anna, the soldiers everywhere began to clap and cheer in celebration and happiness and very soon hundreds, and then even thousands of voices came together to cry out a single word:

"Anna! Anna! Anna!" the troops exclaimed as far as Anna could see, all of them raising their muskets, sabers and swords- "Anna!"

"We are proud of you, remember?" Kristoff said, now also raising his own saber in wild and total celebration- "Anna, you are Arendelle's Pride!"

Anna beamed and waved proudly at her troops as they traveled between so many of those purple and green tents, artillery positions and countless trenches that formed a powerful defensive line which stretched from Southwest to Northeast for a length of three and a half miles...

The Arendellan trenches were equipped with very strange guns that Anna had never seen before, the white hospital tents were marked by large red crosses and the heaviest artillery had been positioned at the summit of the highest hills all along the way.

"Anna! Anna! Anna!"

"This is just unbelievable!" Anna gasped, looking all around at all of those impressive defenses as the three of them continued their journey- "How many forces do we have?!"

"Thirty seven thousand men and women ready to fight, your Highness!" Alice replied, and her voice was barely audible above the joyful screams and proud chants of the troops- "These are the strongest defenses that Arendelle has ever seen!"

Anna, Kristoff and Alice soon rode all the way up to the summit of a vast hill at the very center of the Sammel Line, there was a huge Arendellan flag rippling at the top and they discovered that Generals Matthew and Alistair were already there waiting for them...

"Welcome to the Sammel Line, your Highness!" Alistair exclaimed with great pride, offering his right hand to Anna as she dismounted.

"Thanks!" Anna replied, and after that she hugged both Generals like all of them were old friends- "This is really incredible... Tell me, do we have any news about the enemy's activities?"

"See for yourself..." Matthew said, offering his own telescope to the Princess.

Anna looked through the advanced telescope to discover that the Sammel river looked all beautiful and shiny in the distance, she explored the Southeastern edge of the valley and then, not very surprised, the shaken princess discovered them at last:

Countless riders, horses and soldiers with red cloaks were setting their own campsites and trenches far beyond the peaceful river, they were bringing many pieces of serious artillery and even more of them kept arriving from the devastated Tannya valley that they had left behind.

Anna could even see for a moment a crowned man carrying a sword in his hand, and after that the princess sighed as she lowered the telescope and stared at the distant forces of the Southern Isles with her own eyes...

"Hans, you shall wish that you had never invaded Arendelle!"

The wind played with Anna's hair and cloak as she looked up at the sky, Kristoff held her right hand as they stood side by side, the Arendellan Army had never been stronger and the screams of joy and pride continued for a very long time all along the Sammel Line...

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