Never Again

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Anna knew that her enemies would try anything to stop her as soon as they realized what she was trying to do, she was ready to face whatever that could happen and her caution soon proved to be wise and even lifesaving as she charged towards the King.

The courageous princess surprised one of the few surviving Generals with a fierce and lethal stab from behind, she quickly slashed the throats of three other soldiers, her horse just ran over two others that tried to stand in her way and several times she heard the characteristic sound of bullets as they passed...

Anna discovered that most of the enemy forces were too distracted by the fighting to even realize that the life of their monarch was in great danger, she easily overcame those that did notice this and then Hans, hearing the powerful horse coming, turned his head to the left and became paralyzed at what he discovered.

The image of Anna riding a beast of a horse with a bloodstained longsword in her hand was too much for the battered Hans, who became frozen on the spot for a few seconds as they looked into each other's eyes from a great distance...

Anna's blue eyes showed nothing but cold and murderous intentions, and Hans was sure that he had no choice but to get the hell out of there if he wanted to somehow see another day.

An Arendellan rider nearby was brought down by a musket shot straight to the chest, the man fell to the snowy ground and it was then when Hans, grasping the opportunity, quickly climbed on the abandoned horse and charged away trying to escape...

"Retreat!" Hans cried out, looking around at the very few forces that remained fighting for him- "Everyone, retreat back to the ice fields!"

The Southerner forces were taking catastrophic damage at this point, the red cloaked soldiers were falling everywhere and at that moment, witnessing how the King himself was forsaking the battle for dear life, hundreds of men dropped their weapons and turned around just trying to escape.

Elsa immediately ordered her soldiers and guards to chase and kill as many enemies as they could, and so the purple cloaks advanced with bayonets and sabers tearing down and crushing the terrified men that were simply trying to survive...

The Arendellan cruelty was powered by the terrible suffering that they had endured at the hands of these invaders, now they had attained a glorious victory at last and they would not hesitate to vanquish even the last one of their mortal enemies, everyone hoping that a war like this would never happen again.

Hans did not care to even take a look at all of this, the stolen horse was very fast, Anna was left far behind and it seemed that the King of the Southern Isles would escape from the awful fate of his overwhelmed and terrified soldiers...

"Alice!" Anna called out, her hand pointing at Hans- "Now, bring him down!"

Alice came riding very fast not far from Anna, she looked into Anna's eyes for an instant and after that she raised her musket and pointed carefully at Hans... the powerful detonation sent a bullet straight into the right shoulder of the King, and then Hans, losing all balance and control, just fell from that horse and crashed on the red snow below.

The Arendellan forces cheered and celebrated, not a single enemy soldier managed to escape from their wrath and Anna advanced followed by Alistair and Elsa, but the royals were not the first to reach the fallen Hans after all...

Kristoff dismounted from his horse and quickly grabbed the King by the throat, beaming as his other hand closed to form a powerful fist.

"Greetings" Kristoff grunted, happy to see that this long awaited moment had arrived at last- "Welcome to Arendelle, bastard!"

Hans gasped and cried as a vicious punch came and shattered his nose, and after that Kristoff, far more furious than he had ever been, continued to deliver a blow after another even after the ill-fated King had lost loads of blood and most of his visible teeth.

Elsa, Alistair, Alice, Anna and many others arrived to witness the tragic scene, Hans whispered something that sounded like no more please and finally a soft hand landed on the right shoulder of Kristoff, followed a few seconds later by a harsh-sounding voice:

"Thank you, Kristoff" Anna said, as cold as the snow and ice all around them- "That shall be enough..."

Kristoff slowly released Hans to leave him gasping and crying on the snow, Elsa laughed coldly and Anna, beaming, began to walk in circles around her enemy just like a predator awaiting the perfect moment to finish off its prey...

"It all ends here, Hans" Anna said, enjoying every moment of it- "You are responsible for the worst war that the Northern world has ever seen, countless lives have been destroyed and now you shall pay with your own..."

"P-please" Hans gasped, so injured that he was totally unable to stand up- "Let m-me go..."

"We had the chance to destroy you that day" Elsa said at that moment, drawing closer to both of them- "We decided to let you go instead, and look what happened! Never again..."

Elsa handed over the royal sword of Arendelle to Anna, the same sword that had belonged to their father, and to their grandfather before that... Anna took the blade with great pride in her hands, and Hans, knowing that death was coming, tried a last attempt to save his life:

"Anna, please..."

"I have nothing else to say to you..."

Anna raised the sword very high, she turned it upside down so the blade would point downwards, everyone witnessed in silence and after that the princess delivered a lethal stab right into the cruel heart of the King.

Hans gasped in terror and despair, all traces of life and light abandoned those green eyes as he looked at the sky and just a few seconds later he was gone...

A freezing silence continued for a long time even after Anna had removed the bloodstained sword, since it took a few minutes for everyone gathered at that forest to finally understand what had taken place before their eyes.

The Arendellan War had ended at last...

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