Green Death

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The wind continued to take the deadly poison very fast and straight towards the Northwest, where the sleepy Arendellan soldiers had just emerged from their bunkers and began to prepare breakfast before starting yet another day of guard.

Sadly, it so happened that the snow and the natural fog had concealed the green cloud from view until it was already far too late...

Anna and Kristoff had almost arrived at the Cracker lines by the time when the first sentinels and soldiers discovered the danger, and it was then when they could finally hear the warnings that Kristoff kept screaming as loudly as he could:

"Poison gas coming! Poison gas! Gaaaaas!"

General Matthew dropped his bread and tea as he discovered the green cloud, which looked wide and vast enough to cover most of the Sammel Line... the sentinels dashed to their positions, and a few seconds later the powerful ringing of the bells alerted everyone as the terrified voices cried to the sky:

"Gaaas! Gas! Poison gas!"

Anna and Kristoff finally passed the Cracker lines and continued to ride as fast as their horses would allow, both of them coughing in the poison and already gasping for air... Anna could not even scream to order a general retreat, but it turned out that everyone already knew exactly what to do.

The terror became rampant, the awful smell soon invaded everything and Anna could do nothing as she witnessed how hundreds and then thousands of Arendellan soldiers just dropped their weapons and broke lines.

All of them dashed towards the North trying to find higher ground, but then the green cloud arrived and an instant later death had grabbed all of those poor soldiers by the throat...

The Arendellan troops cried out in terror, it looked like they were strangling themselves in a vain attempt to keep the poison out of their lungs and they started to fall everywhere like insects, their skin darkening as they collapsed and coughed out great amounts of blood.

Anna's riding speed gave her an important advantage, it seemed that she was a few yards ahead of the lethal concentration and Kristoff would be relatively safe too, but the wind remained strong and they witnessed in terror as the troops were getting killed drove after drove...

It was awful to see how some of the men tried to cover their mouths and noses as they died, the eyes of the fallen would freeze into a glassy, lifeless stare and many others would go into convulsions and pass away after a few seconds of agony unspeakable.

The chemical demon was everywhere, and soon it caught even the few men that had reached the artillery hills thinking that the higher ground would save their lives...

Anna was sure that she was just seconds away from death, knowing that her horse could trip with something or simply fall victim to the poison any moment... her lungs were in fire, she felt that her eyes were burning as well and she had never been so scared in her life, totally unable to believe what was happening around her.

Matthew and some lucky others were riding not far behind Anna and Kristoff, every second of terror would seem endless and finally the wind began to lose strength...

The green cloud slowed down at last, it came to a halt and after that it started to disperse, but the poison had already covered the entire Arendellan positions and caused death and devastation in a frightening scale.

Anna managed to escape into the Forest of Snowhall followed by Kristoff, Matthew and a few other survivors, leaving behind over three thousand fatal casualties and the now open and undefended Sammel Line...

The cold and clean air of the forest felt like an unimaginable pleasure and blessing after escaping from the green death, but still everyone wanted to get as far from the poison as possible and all of them continued to ride for a long time after that.

"Elsa" Anna thought, gasping and coughing up blood- "Elsa, what are we going to do...?"

Hans and his armies would soon advance to cross the Arendellan lines at last, the Ice Mirror had been left behind and Anna had no way to inform her sister about this nightmarish disaster.

Anna ordered a halt after what seemed like several hours of riding, they had arrived at a beautiful clearing in the forest and there, still shaking in sheer terror, the small group of survivors let themselves fall on the snow and just gasp for clean air as they looked up at the white sky...

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