Fog and Death

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The fight against the camouflaged Southerner forces lasted all night, the shooting ravaged for seven hours, some of them had almost managed to reach the Arendellan positions and, by daybreak, it became very clear what the enemy had been trying to do.

Most of the fallen scouts and snipers were discovered not far from the hill where Anna and her friends were entrenched, which could only mean that those specialized forces had been sent with the mission to murder the Princess and demoralize her army...

Hans had sent a cowardly attack that any Kingdom would despise and condemn, a lowly action that spoke clearly of just how sick and twisted he actually was.

The fighting had been bloody and intense and it would take some time to count the casualties, but the first reports sent to Anna calculated that at least two thousand enemy soldiers had been killed by the Arendellan counterattack.

Many others had managed to escape, but the fatal losses in the Arendellan side exceeded seven hundred... the field hospitals received three hundred more that had been badly injured, and the volunteer doctors and nurses did their best to save as many lives as they could.

The Sammel valley was covered by a dense fog that morning, the wind was soft and the sky was cloudy and gray as Princess Anna of Arendelle, awestruck and silent, abandoned the trenches and walked into the field with a sword in her hand...

"Where are you?!" Anna cried out to the wind, commanding her forces as they explored the remains of the vast and powerful murder expedition- "Where are you, Hans? You send these thugs to try and kill me, while you remain hidden like a rat behind your army?"

The shaken Alice and Kristoff advanced with great caution at each side of Anna and Alistair Snowflake, Alice in particular was looking quite sickly and pale and both of them carried deadly longswords, which they used to finish off the few scouts and snipers that remained agonized between the wind and the fog...

"There is another one!" Anna would cry every time that she spotted a survivor, and then she smiled as either Kristoff or Alice would advance and deliver a fatal stab to the heart.

Anna could feel a cold cruelty that grew somewhere in her heart as she witnessed those men dying by her orders, but despite the fact that she was surprised and shocked at herself, she could not help to enjoy and even laugh as they were killed...

The Arendellan princess had spent the entire night shooting and getting shot at all thanks to those rats, and now she was going to enjoy a little of vengeance-

"Wait!" Anna said, coming to a halt all of a sudden- "Kristoff, not that one..."

They had just found an enemy sniper that looked a little different to most of his fallen comrades, since this man displayed an elegant red cloak instead of the brown and green uniform that all the others had used as camouflage.

The injured sniper remained gasping on the ground right behind a fallen friend, and his eyes looked straight at Anna when he finally realized that she was there-

"You" the Captain said, already fighting for breath- "I see the mission has failed..."

Anna quickly kicked away the captain's musket and saber, she kicked him in the nose as well, Alice and Kristoff escorted the Princess as she laughed and the three of them just looked down at this lonely man not very sure of what to say...

"Hans has sent you and your cowardly men to kill me, I know" Anna said, pointing her own longsword straight at his chest- "I'll tell you something... We have weapons that your murderous King knows nothing about, and when this war ends he is going to wish that he had never invaded Arendelle!"

The Captain looked up into Anna's cruel eyes, there was for a moment an awkward silence between them and then the man began to laugh.

It was a heartless and cruel laughter, he seemed to know something that they didn't and then Anna herself advanced and stabbed him through the heart. The Captain gasped and shook a little as he died, and Anna's blade emerged completely covered by blood.

The four of them remained in silence for a long time while other teams continued to explore, shivering a little in the fog and listening to the little gasps and cries of pain as even more enemy survivors were stabbed to death...

"We should have taken him as prisoner" Alistair said, having a bad feeling about all of this for some dark reason- "For some torture and questioning, you know!"

Anna looked up at the sky just thinking of her sister the Queen, she could still hear the Captain's laughter in her mind and after that they all returned to the relative safety of the trenches and campsites of the Sammel Line.

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