Into the Snowstorm

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The freezing wind was descending from the nearby mountains in the form of wild and terrible bursts, the snow was everywhere and that day, wearing heavy coats as protection from the cold, the reserve divisions of the Arendellan Army began marching on their long travel to the South.

Queen Elsa in person commanded the troops as they abandoned the Town cheered by thousands of people, the morale was very high and everyone hoped that Vardeen would be indeed the last battle of the war...

All of Arendelle was having trouble to believe that it was Summer, since the sky was white and gray and the reservist soldiers, many of them barely older than twenty, were finding it rather difficult to carry their sabers, bayonets and muskets with their heavily gloved hands.

All of those purple cloaks would ripple in the wind as the young soldiers advanced through almost knee-deep snow as best as they could, but despite this and the unbelievable cold, very soon the seven divisions entered the forest and followed the trails that would lead them to the first campsites of the journey.

It was quite a sight for the townspeople to witness all of the Arendellan Guards as they left the great Castle behind and followed the troops, many of them wearing wide purple cloaks and mounting on splendid white horses...

Elsa, Anna and their two favorite Generals rode at the command of the first divisions that departed, but they came to a halt before entering the forest and began to wait for the Queen's special reinforcements to show up.

"Elsa, where are your mysterious shock troops?" Anna asked, shivering as she looked at everywhere around them- "I cannot wait to see them, whatever that they are!"

The courageous princess looked proud and cold wearing a Guard uniform in silver and blue, her purple cloak was already covered by frost, she carried a latest generation musket and also a dazzling sword was hanging from her waist.

"Just wait, Anna!" Elsa replied, looking at her sister with a smile- "They'll be here any moment..."

Alistair, Matthew and Alice seemed to be really curious as well, but the minutes were passing, the storm was getting colder and the five of them just remained there, mounting on their horses and awaiting for the special reinforcements that Elsa had been talking about for several days.

"Your Majesty" Alistair said, shivering a little in the terrible cold- "What if they do not show up?"

"Come on!" Elsa complained, her military green cloak rippling in the snowy wind- "Would you have some patience, please?"

It took a few more minutes after that, but eventually the snowy ground began to shake lightly and Anna, now looking with more detail into the blizzard, realized that something really large and heavy was advancing towards them...

"What the hell?!"

The horses became alarmed and agitated as Marshmallow the Snow Monster emerged from between the snowy wind, Anna was freaking out, Elsa laughed and then everyone realized that the Guard of Elsa's Ice Castle was not alone at all:

Twenty other Snow Monsters came following Marshmallow, a minute later fifty more showed up, a hundred of them followed and very soon drove after drove of Elsa's magical creatures marched past the Queen and entered the forest to follow the rest of the army...

"So, what do you think?" Elsa asked, laughing at the faces of terror and confusion displayed by Anna, Matthew, Alistair and Alice- "Those are my shock troops right there!"

"I cannot believe it!" Alice cried out, fighting to control her wildly spooked white horse- "How many of those things do we have?"

"Three hundred plus the original one..."

"Elsa, when did you make so many of those monsters?!" Anna asked, quite shaken even after the last monster had passed- "I never imagined that you could have an entire army of them!"

"Anna, do you remember that I went up to my Ice Castle while you were at the Sammel Offensive?" Elsa explained- "My original idea was to send Marshmallow and all the others to the Front, but I was afraid that the artillery would destroy them... Anyway, now is the perfect moment for them to attack!"

"Yeah, Hans is definitely not expecting that!"

Anna and Elsa turned their heads to look at Arendelle Town for a last time, the purple and green flags rippled at the highest towers of the castle and after that, drawing out their swords, the five of them rode into the forest to command the army towards the last battle of the war...

All Frozen in the Arendelle FrontWhere stories live. Discover now