Chapter 1

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One day out of the blue your mother had told you and your brother you were moving to Australia. You hated the idea, nothing was waiting for you in Australia but your whole life was in Portugal. You'd miss your friends, you'd miss your childhood home and on top of that you wouldn't be able to talk to your father when something was wrong.

* Sydney, Australia *

You had arrived and settled into your house the very first day. The house was bigger than your one in Portugal, it had a pool, it was closer to the beach, it was better. However, you still didn't like it, you wanted to go home, you wanted to go back to portugal.

"Do you like the house?" Miguel asked.

"No, I want to go home." you said angrily.

"Francisa, it's a really nice house, it's bigger than in Portugal, plus we have a pool and on top of that we live literally right next to the beach." Miguel said rationalising.

You looked at him for a few seconds disappointed that he even liked the house. He was okay with moving to Sydney, you on the other hand were not. You turned around and walked up to your room, it was also bigger, and that pissed you off. Portugal was better than Australia in your mind, and you having better things in Australia than in Portugal pissed you off.

You sat on your bed and lied on your back looking up at the ceiling.

"Fofa?" Your mother said knocking on your door and walking in with a box. Fofa had always been a nickname your parents called you, especially your father.

"I have all your room decor. Maybe you can decorate your room." Your mother suggested as she placed a box at the bottom of your desk.

"Mhm." is all you said.

"Well, okay. I'll be downstairs cooking dinner." She said leaving the room.

You stood up and opened the box, it had your fairy lights, a lot of polaroid's, your vinyl player was also there with all your vinyls. You picked up the polaroid's and started going through them. You missed your friends, it had only been a 2 days but you missed them more than ever. You went through more of your polaroid's smiling at a few thinking back. You then picked up your favourite one, you and your father both holding surf boards at the beach. It was your favourite one. Oh how you missed the beach, Portugal and most of all your father. 

You were now done sticking all your polaroids to your wall, you had finished hanging your fairy lights and you had placed a few cacti on top of your desk. You looked around, however something was missing. Your wall was a little empty, your room in Portugal was smaller making look like you had more polaroids. You decided to go out and take a few polaroids, maybe of the beach or anything really. You wanted your wall to fill up as soon as possible. You took your Polaroid camera and walked downstairs.

"Going out, ill be back in time for dinner. Just call me." You said.

You crossed the street, walked a few more meters and you were on the beach. It was really pretty, the sun was setting and the sky was pink and orange. You took a picture and sat down in the sand waiting for it to develop. You were the only one on the beach, but someone was surfing. You checked your phone and looked at the time. Who surfs at 8 pm? you asked yourself.

You watched them surf, they were really good, catching all the waves they could. You watched as they paddled out and caught their last wave and started walking out of the water towards the beach. It was a boy, he was tall, his hair a little long, however, not too long.

You looked around and saw there was a towel and shoes not far away from you. You stood up and walked towards the pier to avoid any interaction with him. You sat on the ledge and let your legs dangle. You hummed as you watched the sun set.

"I think this is yours" you heard a voice from behind you, startling you and causing you to drop your phone out of your hands and into the water.

"MY PHONE" you exclaimed. '' I DROPPED MY PHONE!'' You yelled looking down as it hit the water.

The person who had startled you jumped off the pier and into the water, a few second later he go out of the water holding it.

''I've got it.'' He yelled. he started swimming towards the shore. You grabbed your polaroid camera and the towel he had dropped on the pier and ran to the beach. Once you were in the sand he was already walking out of the water, damn he swam fast. You ran towards him and he handed you your phone.

"Don't worry it's waterproof." He said and he took his towel you had dropped to take your phone from him.

"How'd you know?"

"Its the iphone X right ?"

"Umm... yeah"

"Trust me it's waterproof."

"It better be, or else your buying me a new one." You said serious, he on the other hand just laughed. His laugh was deep and honestly really goddam cute.

"Okay, well go ahead. Let's see if i have to buy you a new one. Turn it on."

It hadn't even shut down. It was working perfectly.

"Okay, well you're right." You said looking up at him. He was very tall, his hair messy, his eyes a mixture of brown and green, he was tanned, his cheeks a little pink. He laughed and his eyes wrinkled a little, he was extremely cute.

"So, your gonna give me your name or?" he said looking down at you.

"Francisca." You said looking down at your phone and wiping it on your shirt.

'' You?''

'' Ruel.'' He said smiling.

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