Chapter 5

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( a lil long but plot twist at the end. do stick around the story will get better. i promise )


*Francicsa POV*

"I even printed out my timetable." you said grabbing it out of your bag and handing it to Ruel.

"Oh! Laminated and all." He said as he chuckled as he looked over the classes. "Wait. 11th grade ? You're 15 and you're in 11th grade ?"

"haha yeah."

"Wait did you like skip a year or something."

"I feel like Im going to hear that question a lot today."

"I'm sorry, it's just we never talked about this and I assumed you were in 10th grade."

"No don't worry."

You both continued to compare each other's schedules, looking at which classes you had in common and which you didn't. You had the first period together, however, since it was the first day there was an assembly. Ruel basically summarised what the principal would talk to you about. He even promised he'd give you a tour of the campus at lunch.

You finally got to school, the campus was huge, there were a lot of students entering the the main building. You started getting a little stressed and Ruel noticed, he pulled you to the side and around the corner of the main building.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Look it's just like a regular day at school."

"But only it's not. All teachers are going to introduce me infront of the whole class and I hate that."

"Fran, look at me." He said putting his finger under your chin and lifting it up. "It's going to be fine, I have like 3 or 4 classes with you today. I'll be there, plus I can introduce you to my friends. It's going to be okay."

You just nodded. He held your hand and gently squeezed it, you squeezed back and he let go and walked into the main building. Ruel brought you to the Principals office then went to find some of his friends.

The principal was extremely sweet, she made sure to let me know that if there are any problems in can come talk to her. She also introduced me to the other new student in my year. He was older than me, I shook his hand and briefly said hello. I then walked to the assembly room. The bell had just rang and the assembly room was getting full. You looked around for a place to sit, you then felt your phone vibrate in the back of your pocket. It was Miguel.

Miguel: second row to your right

You read the message and looked up. You followed the instructions and saw Miguel, there was an empty seat next to him. You walked over excusing yourself for disrupting  the students you had walked infront of. You sat down next to Miguel.

"Guys this is my sister." Miguel introduced you to 4 or 5 boys next to him. They all seemed very nice, they all said Hi and introduced themselves.

"Like the school?" Miguel asked.

"I guess, it's bigger than back home. But I don't know anyone really."

There was a little moment of silence in between the two of you.

"Quem e o menino que tu andaste com? (who is the boy you walked to school with?)" He said looking at you.

"Quem? (who?)" you said pretending like you didn't know what he was talking about.

"Francisca, don't lie."

"se chama Ruel (his name is Ruel)."


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