Chapter 3

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*Ruels POV *

The messages flashed through my head and i pulled away. Missing the heat of her lips, however still holding her against me.

"I can't do this." i whispered.

"why? Was it not good?" she asked taking a step back and looking at he shoes.

"You have a boyfriend, I don't wanna b-"

"Boyfriend? What are you talking about." She looked up confused.

"Miguel or something."


"I don't know his name."

"Miguel?" She said smiling.

"Yeah, look i don't know his name but he texted you, i know u shouldn't be on your phone but you left it and i didn't know. And it was there and it kept on vibrating. So I looked. And-"

*Francisca POV *

You smashed your lips against his. He kissed back. This kiss was different, stronger, more passion leaving both of you out of breath and needing to pull away.

He was so tall you were on the tip of your toes just to kiss him, and still he had tho bend ever so slightly to kiss you correctly. You looked up at him and said.

"Miguel's my brother."


"Miguel's my brother." You said again.

"Your brother?"

"Yeah." You giggled.

"You didn't tell me you had a brother."

"Are you jealous of my brother?" You say stepping closer, teasing him.

"No." He said shyly.

"Are you sure?" You said smiling, the whole situation was funny.

"Okay, maybe... a little. But in my defence I had no idea it was your brother." He whispered making you giggle. You kissed him on the cheek making him blush and said.

"It's cute that you're jealous."

"Well I find YOU cute." He said picking you up by the waist and putting you over his shoulder. He started walking down the pier.

"RUUEEL LET GO OF ME" you yelling in between laughs.

"Nope." He said chuckling.



You were trying to wiggle out of his grip but failing. He was taller and stronger than you. You finally gave up and just let him carry you.

"Finally gave up eh?"

"Only because I'm too tired. But I bet I can take you anyday."

Ruel laughed very loudly.

"Can you now?"

"Of course." You said laughing along.

He walked over to his car and opened the door and sat you down in the passenger seat. He closed the door and walked to the other side.

"So where am I bringing you?"


"Thats great but I need a specific address."

"Oh, right." You pulled out your phone and found your address in your notes. You still didn't know your address so you kept it in your notes. You read it out and he started the engine. You both talked a little more until he pulled up infront of you house. You got out of the car and thanked him, you stared walking towards the door when he said something.

"No goodbye kiss?" He said pouting. That really made your heart melt, you ran over next to Ruel, kissed him on the cheek and whispered "Text me?"

"Always" He whispered back, smiling. You ran back to your door, waved at him then opened the front door.

*Few days later*

Ruel and you continued to text everyday, occasionally even face timing or calling. He was always on your mind. However, you were quite busy. You started school in a few days and you were really stressed out. You already knew that you were going to be with the 11th graders instead of with the 10th.

When you were younger you were extremely smart so you had skipped the kindergarten and went straight to first grade. Your parents and Miguel both had thought you to read and write before the school did. So all your school years your classmates were a year older, however, that never bothered you in the slightest. Anyways you always got along better with 2002's than 2003's so there was really no problem.

*on face time*

You: Ughhhh I've got so much to do before Monday and I don't have the time to do all of this

Ruel: I don't think I ever asked you what school you were going to

You: I don't think you ever did

Ruel: Well then?

You: Well you see i'm not exactly sure what the name of my school is but I know it's a few streets down, I think I'll be walking to school or Miguel might drive me. Not sure yet.

Ruel: That's great but I need a school name.

You: Okay lemme go ask Miguel he probably knows.

"MIGUEL QUAL É O NOM DA ESCOLA QUE NOS VAMOS ? ( what is the name of the school we are going to?)" you yelled from your door way.

"Não sei, eu acho que e tipo International School of Sydney. (I don't know, i think it's something like International School of Sydney." He replied from his door way.

(I invented that school, no clue what school Ruel actually goes to)

"Porque quer saber? (why do you wanna know)" Miguel asked.

"Sem motivo. (no reason)" You replied closing the door and walking back to your phone you had placed on your desk.

You: I'm not sure but apparently it's something like International School of Sydney. It's a private school.

Ruel: ISS?

You: I mean I guess you can call it IS-

Ruel: Fran, thats my school!


hey guys :) this chapter is shorter than usual, if you want me to shorten my chapters do tell me. anyways yeah. also if you ever have any feedback about the book, please tell me.

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