Chapter 4

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You: Stop! Don't mess with me.

Ruel: No for real!

You and Ruel would be in the same school, seeing each other everyday. Now giving you way more motivation to go to school.

*At dinner*

"Fofa, who were you on the phone with all afternoon."

"With a freind, they're actually at my school. My grade too."

"Really? That's really great, honey."

"Mhm" You hummed back.

Dinner continued regularly. Just talking about starting school in 2 days, talking about your mother's new job and when she'd start. Once you were done eating you and Miguel cleared the table and put everything in the dishwasher. You walked up to your room and lied on your bed replying to one of Ruels texts.

There was a knock at your bedroom door.

"Sim (yes)" you said telling the person that they could come in. They opened the door and it was Miguel.

"Menino ou Menina? (boy or girl?)" he said looking at you and leaning against your door frame.

"Que ? (what?)" Not sure what he was talking about.

"A pesoa que tu estava falando com, menino ou menina? (the person you were talking with, boy or girl?)" He said not changing his tone.

"Miguel, why does it matter?" You said clearly annoyed. Miguel had always been especially after "the accident" (it will all make sense in the up coming chapters. stick around). He didn't want you to get hurt, he had seen how badly it had hurt you. He knew that even though it had been almost a year, you still hurt.

"Francisca, please just tell me. Boy or girl?" he asked once more crossing his arms.

"Girl." you said lying.

"Okay" He said and walked to his room not closing your door. You walked over and pushed the door closed. You were fed up with Miguel always asking questions.

*2 days later*

You woke up a little earlier than you usually would so you wouldn't be late on your first day of school. You got dressed, made yourself a healthy breakfast and while you were preparing your lunch your phone buzzed. You picked it up and saw it was a text from Ruel.

Ruel: what time are you leaving your house ?

You: well school starts at 8 so maybe like 7:30

You: i need to talk to the principal so yeah 7:30

Ruel: okay

That was odd. You continued getting ready as the clock approached 7:30. You double checked you had everything, you had even printed out your timetable before hand. The school had sent each student their timetable by email. You tried learning your classes by heart but failing miserably. You checked your phone and it was 7:28, you walked downstairs said goodbye to your mom and grabbed your house keys. When you were slipping on your shoes your doorbell rang. You got up and opened the door.

There he was. Ruel. With the cutest smile.

"What? What are you doing here?" You asked smiling.

"Thought Id walk you to school on your first day."

You just smiled. He was so thoughtful.

"Give me a second and half, I just need to put my shoes on."

He looked down at your feet and saw you were only wearing a shoe, the other foot only had a sock, making him laugh.

"Quem é? (who is it?)" Miguel asked from upstairs.

"O meu amigo (my friend)" you replied as you slipped on your second shoe.

"Amigo? (friend)" He said going down the stairs two at a time.

(In portuguese there is a masculine and feminine version for the word friend. amigo = guy friend / amiga = girl friend)

"Sim (yes)" you said as you stood up, grabbed your bag, put it on your shoulder and walked out of the house closing the door behind you.

"Let's go ?" You said looking at Ruel.

"Okay then." He said smiling.


hey so this part is shorter and i'm sorry this chapter was kinda trash and it was lowkey boring, but i promise the next chapter there is a pLoT tWisT.

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