Chapter 14

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sorry i haven't updated in ages. i've been busy. also we hit 1k reads and guys this is so cool. i'm literally so happy. i've got a few dms asking me to update and a few comments. it means so much. sorry i didn't update earlier. i'll try to do so more regularly.

Your heart rate started to pick up. You put your hand through your hair. You stood up, realising you had no pants stressed you even more.

It's not like you weren't attracted to Ruel. You were, you just weren't going to lose your virginity to a boy you had known for a few months especially if yo weren't dating or anything.

You weren't sure what to do. You didn't want to wake Ruel up but you needed to know what had happened last night. You sit on the bed and gently shake Ruel in attempt of waking him up. He started to stir and his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning" he whispered, him trying to adjust to the light considering he had forgotten to closed the curtains last night.

"Hi" you whispered back and scooted further away from him.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, still not having adjusted to the brightness of the room. You had realised he wasn't wearing a shirt but now you saw his whole torso, making heat rise to you cheeks for multiple reasons. You looked away not wanting him to see the effect his bare torso had on you.

"Ruel?" you said quietly not even daring to look up.

"Yeah." he said groggily. His voice a little raspy, which was really cute but you had too much on your mind, you were too stressed to acknowledge it.

"What happened last night?" You whispered almost like you were afraid for the answer.

"What do you mean?" He said as he turned around and looked at you confused.

"Between us. Did something happen?"

"Like, did we hook up?" His eyes went wide.

You just nodded.

"No. Fran. We didn't." He said. "Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. I was drunk, I can't remember anything, we both aren't fully clothed maybe something could've happened. I don't know." You said frantically, stress taking over.

"Stop, Fran. Listen to me." He said taking your hands into his. "I would never, ever touch you without consent. Okay? Even less if your drunk to the point were you can't stand straight. Please keep that in mind."

"Okay." You whispered reassured.

"The reason your not wearing much clothing is because I wasn't going to let you sleep in that dress, it looked very uncomfortable. And the pants, I tried putting some on you but they were too big and kept sliding off. So i decided to just not put some on you, I couldn't ask you because you had fallen asleep. And I wasn't really expecting to sleep with you last night either. So I thought that i'd be okay if you didn't have pants since the shirt was so big." He said scratching the back of his neck, smiling a little thinking about last nights events.

"I'm sorry." You said wrapping your arms around him.

"What for?" he said as he placed his tight around you body.

"For doubting. I know you wouldn't, it's just i was stressed. I couldn't remember anything. I don't know how i act when i'm drunk."

"You're the cute drunk." he chuckled.

"What?" You said smiling.

"You're the cutest when you're drunk." He said smiling and looking down at you. Heat started to rise to your cheeks but you couldn't care less.

You looked up at him too and kissed him. It wasn't really a kiss more of a peck, it was quick and short and lasted for less than a millisecond. You then balled yourself up pulling the covers up to your neck almost if you were embarrassed.

Ruel looked down and chuckled however he was a little surprised. He had only known you a few months but he knew you weren't the type to just randomly kiss him out of nowhere. So when you did it surprised him a little, what he loved the most is how you had balled yourself up under the cover like you were embarrassed. That was just adorable to him.

He laid down and slide closer to you. He put one arm over you and pulled you closer to him, the two of you cuddling.Your back now flush against his bare torso. The only thing in between the two of you being the thin fabric of the shirt Ruel had given you.

Ruel leaned in close to you and whispered. "You're adorable."

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