Chapter 8

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hey guys thank you so much for 300 reads :) ik it's not a lot but it's so cool. anyways yeah

Ruel put some music and the rest of the ride consisted of both you and him actively singing to every song he played. The windows were down and wind was whooshing through the windows, your hair was flying everywhere, however, you couldn't care less. You were happy, truly happy for the first time since your father had passed away almost a year ago.

After a few more songs the car started to slow down, and finally came to stop. Ruel turned off the ignition.

"Stay in the car." He said as he opened his door and exited the vehicle. He walked over to your door and opened it for you.

"Here we are." he said smiling and extending his hand. Making you smile like crazy. You took it and slightly jumped out of the car.

"It's pretty dark." You said looking around and stepping closer to Ruel. It was pitch black the only thing you could see was the moon and the light from Ruels phone flashlight.

"Let me just get the blanket and we can start walking."

"walking? Please don't tell me your adventure was a hike at 1 in the morning." You said making Ruel laugh.

"Maybe next time." he said grabbing the blanket out of the trunk of the car.

"Let's go?" He said holding his hand out waiting for you to hold his. You just put your hand in his and smiled; both of you then started walking.

After a 2 minute walk, you were on top of a hill. Ruel placed out the blanket and sit down, you sat next to him. All he said was "look." He turned off his flashlight and looked up. Millions upon millions of stars, each shinning brighter than the last. It looked like you were surrounded by stars.

You layed down on your back and so did Ruel.

You and Ruel started to talk about nothing and everything, as time passed the conversations got deeper, more personal. You would usually never share any of this with anyone you'd only known for about 1 month and a half. However, with Ruel it was different, he was different. He cared and he listened.

"Why'd you miss Portugal so much?" He asked.

"I don't know, I guess it's because it's home for me. You know? I've grown up there, I've had all my firsts there, well most. Plus my fathers in Portugal."

Ruel was a little confused, how could your father be back in Portugal? However, he kept quiet.

"Okay Ruel. Um... I'm going to tell you something that not many people know here." You said sitting up, crossing your legs and looking down at him lying down.

"Um... Okay." He said as he sat up opposite to you.

"Um... Okay.... I'm not really sure how to start this. " You said fake laughing a little at the end trying to lighten the tension. "Well, about a year ago.... um.... yeah. My father- My father well umm he died." You were really struggling to get it out, Ruel could see you where so he took your hand in his and squeezed it lightly.

"Fran, if you're not ready to talk about it. That's okay."

"No. I am. It's just a difficult subject to talk about."

"So one day, the weather was really nice and so usually we'd go surfing. And so he asked me if i wanted to go with him, he told me we'd go to a new beach we'd never gone to. It was one we had found once while speed boating. And- and the same day this boy had asked me to hang out. And I decided to go hang out with the boy. Wh-when I got home i had been told that my father had got caught in a riptide and drowned from exhaustion. H-he had tried to swim back to shore but the riptide was too strong. He wasn't able to get back."

It was getting more complicated for you to talk about it, the years kept pouring out like a open tap, but somehow, in a odd way it was relieving. Finally telling someone about the worst thing that had happened to you. The incident that had forever changed you, that had forced you to grow up faster than you could have expected.

"Onl-only if i had gone with him, maybe i would've been taken instead of him, i could've called the emergency in time. And he wouldn't be dead. It-it's all my fault."

"Francisca, you cant say that. It's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything."

"No Ruel. It is. I had- if i had only gone with him. Instead i decided to go hang out with Martim. I'm so stupid. It's all my fault."

You were crying uncontrollably, you couldn't help but the tears kept pouring out of you.

Ruel scooted closer and took you in him arms, you hugging him around his waist like if it was the last time you'd ever hug him. He brought his hand up to your hair and started to gently massage your scalp to calm you down. He let you cry in his arms, as he comforted you. He didn't say a word, he knew that all you needed fot now was the physical comfort of someone else. So he held you, and didn't let go.

After a while your breathing began to even out, still in Ruels arms. You had stopped crying, however, you wanted to stay in Ruels grip.

"I miss him." you whispered as you balled your fist around Ruels shirt.

"I know." he whispered back now holding your hand.

"I never told anyone. You're the first." You said after a little while of silence.

Ruel felt a little flutter in his heart, he was honoured to know that he was the first person you told about your father's death. All he did was kissed your forehead and pulled you closer. Wrapping the blanket tighter around both you and him.

You turned around, your back now flush against his chest. You looked up, even sitting down he was almost towering you. He looked down at your eyes, then at your lips, back up to your eyes then back to your lips. He started leaning in. He was now a few centimetres always from your lips.

"Can i kiss you?" he whispered.

All you could do was nod, so you nodded slowly and parted your lips. His lips touched yours; soft and gentle.

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