Chapter 6

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shorter than usual, but wrote this one a little quick. also unedited sorry for typos :( enjoy
___________________________Narrator POV*

Why wouldn't she tell me, he though to himself.

Ruel put down the picture and walked to the counter where Miguel was making himself a snack.

"Was she good?" Ruel asked.

"Really good."

There was a a silence, both unaware of what to say.

"I'm sorry." Ruel said lowly.

"It's not your fault. " Miguel said taking a bite of the sandwich he made. He walked over to Ruel and stretched his hand.

"I'm Miguel."

"Ruel." he said as he took Miguel's hand, shaking it.

"Mhm..... Ruel. You're the boy that walked my sister to school, eh?" Miguel said as he took his plate in his hands again.

"Umm.... Yeah." Ruel said smiling a little.

Miguel just nodded and looked into Ruels eyes. Another moment of silence passed, this one a little awkward for Ruel.

"You better not hurt her."

"I wouldn't dare."

"She's been through too much for a 15 year old."

It was silent again. Miguel turned around and started walking for the stairs.

"And if you do, we're gonna have problems" He said after turning around and looking at Ruel straight in the eyes. Turning around again and going up the stairs.

*Francisca  POV*

You were just wearing a hoodie and pyjama shorts. You were tying your hair up when there was a knock on your door.

"Yeah" you said.

Miguel opened the door.

"Ruel is downstairs by himself." he said as he walked back toward his room.

"Miguel please tell me you said anything dumb." you said running into the hall way.

You weren't expecting Miguel at all. You just hoped he didn't try intimidate Ruel or say anything to embarrass you.

Miguel closed his door, you went down to check on Ruel.

"Sorry I didn't think Miguel would be home for the next hour or so."

"It's okay. He seems nice." Ruel said turning around and trying to smile.

"What did he say?" you asked walking towards him.


"Oh... well okay."

"Do you wanna start on the math homework. We've got quite a lot for the first day."

"Uh, yeah. Sounds good."

Ruel had been acting strangely since Miguel had gotten home. What had Miguel said? You pushed the thoughts to the back of your mind and started on the math homework. You helped Ruel on areas he didn't completely understand and vice versa.

About an hour passed and the talking was kept to a minimum. Had you done something? Had Miguel? You were confused. You were lost in your calculations when Ruels phone rang. He picked it up and kept his answers short.

"Um, I'm going to have to go."

"Oh." you said trying to to hide the disappointment in your tone. "Well I'll walk you out."

He packed his things up, put his shoes on and stepped outside. You were following closely behind. You stepped outside and closed the door.

"Um, Ruel?"


"I don't know if i did something, or if Miguel did. Maybe i said something. But I don't know, I feel like your mood changed after Miguel got here. I'm sorry if he made you uncomfortable, he's a little intimidating. I didn't know he'd be home this early. I thought he'd be out for another hour, but clearly not-"

"Fran" Ruel said interrupting your rambling.

"I get it if you don't wanna hang out with me. I know Im a year younger, but I don't think it makes much of a difference since I think i'm just as mature as half of the grade and-"

"Francisca!" Ruel exclaimed. "Nothing happened, it's just- it's that Im tired. And when i'm tired i'm not in the best mood. You didn't do anything I swear." Ruel said trying to reassure you.

"Okay." You whispered and looked down.

"See you tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah." You whispered and he walked away.

*Ruel POV*

Why hadn't she told me? Ruel was stuck on this for the past hour and a half. He couldn't understand why. He didn't want to bring it up, because he knew that if you wanted him to know you would've told him. But why not tell him. He had told you plenty about himself.

Once he got home he decided to talk to Coco about it. He knocked on her door and entered.



"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course. What is it?" She said.

Ruel sat on her bed and explained what was going on, he left out a few bits though, like the kissing and ice cream date.

"- So why wouldn't she tell me about the worst thing in her life? I thought we trusted each other."

"Ruel, you have to understand that maybe she wasn't ready to talk about it. Give her time, she'll tell you. She just needs time, for whatever reason she hasn't told you. It is probably 100% valid."

"You're right. I don't know why I got so worked up. Her reason is probably valid, and then again we've only known each other for a little while."

"How long?"

"What like about 2 weeks maybe."

"No how long until she becomes my step sister?" Coco said laughing.

"Oh my god. She's not even my girlfriend. I don't even like her like that."

"Ah Ruelio, stop denying it. We both know you do."

"Oh really? Do i now? And how would you know who i like?"

"Because you've never come to talk to me about any girl before. And you don't get worked up over little things like that. The only reason why you did this time is because you like her."

"You've got no clue what you're talking about." Ruel said as he stood up and walked out of the room.

"Whatever floats your boat." Coco yelled as she laughed.

Ruel walked into his room and layed on his bed and thought.

"Maybe I do like her?"


hey guys um this is weird but i don't feel like a lot of you guys are enjoying the story :( and i don't know if i should continue writing it. could you send me a message or just comment on ideas to make the story better for you guys.

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