Chapter 12

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it's longer than usual and its not my best chapter. im sorry :( also unedited. btw i'll try post more often also 800 !! that's crazy cool. thank you so much ❤️


"Sorry." you said and giggled, still

"Wow. Um. Okay, maybe a party wasn't the best of ideas." He said, you looked up realising it was Ruel. The last person you wanted to see right now.

"Are you drunk?" he asked concerned.

"What do care?" You said and tried turning around however losing your balance and falling forward.

Strong hands grabbed your waist, stopping you from falling.

"Maybe I should bring you home." Ruel said.

"No. I want to stay here." You said crossing your arms over your chest.

"Fran, you can't even stand still. I'm taking you home."

"Fine." You mumbled under your breath. "But i need to pee." Making him chuckle a little.

"Bathrooms are this way." He said gently placing his hands on your shoulders and guiding you to the bathrooms.

*Few minutes later*

"My feet hurt." You whined.

"The car's this way. Only a few more meters."

You looked in the direction he had just pointed, you decided to just plop down on the side walk and sit down. Ruel who was a few steps ahead of you looked back and saw you sitting on the floor. He walked towards you with a slight smile. He bent down and picked you up bridal style.

"You're kinda cute when you're drunk." he said chuckling.

"Hey! I'm not drunk, i'm slightly intoxicated." You said slurring your words and making Ruel laugh.

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Why didn't you drink?"

"I've got the studio booked for tomorrow. And if I want to record songs, can't be hung over."

You had completely forgotten. When you were around Ruel, all your worries and insecurities left. His presence did a better job at making you forget your problems than any amount of alcohol could.

Ruel unlocked the car, opened the door and placed you in the passenger seat. Once he had put his own seatbelt he started the car and drove off.

"I'm gon get in SO much trouble coming home drunk." you said words slurred.

"You can stay at my house." He said.

"What about your parents. I don't want your parents to get a bad impression of me."

"They're not home. They left for the weekend. Cocos the only one home and Im pretty sure she went to a club or something."

"So you're home alone ?" you asked.

"Yeah. I've got a guest room too, so don't worry."


Once you got infront of Ruels house, you almost fell face first in the drive way. If it wasn't for the car door you'd have fallen. Ruel helped you walk to the door since you were too intoxicated to do it yourself. He then carried you up the stairs because god knows you couldn't walk up the stairs in this state, he then placed you on his bed and went to his wardrobe to find you some pyjamas.

"Why didn't you tell me?" you asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked walking towards you with a large shirt and sweatpants folded in his hands.

"Why didn't you tell me you were famous?"

"I'm not famous." he said placing the clothing items on the bed.

"Please don't lie, I don't think I can take it." You said your eyes glassy and your voice crack a little.

"Fran. What's wrong." Ruel said cupping your face, suddenly worried.

You didn't want to tell him that you had feelings for him, you didnt want to tell him that you thought you weren't good enough for him. He probably didnt even like you back. So all you did was shake your head, a few tears streaming down your face.

He pulled you into his grip, holding you tight. You didn't want to tell him because you didn't want to burden him with more of your problems.

After a few minutes, once you had gotten yourself together, you pushed yourself off Ruel.

"Sorry." you mumbled.

"Fran, don't ever apologise for your emotions. Okay?"


"Here you go. You can change in here. I'll be two rooms down." He said handing you some clothes and leaving the room. You struggled for a few minutes to take your dress off, you weren't able to fully unzip it. You decided to stand up and try. However, you had forgotten how intoxicated you were, and you had forgotten how you weren't able to stay balanced causing you to fall over and let out a little yelp.

"Fran? Are you okay?" Ruel said busting through the door a few seconds later.

"I can't take off my dress." You said pouting. He looked at you and started laughing, he walked over to you and helped you up. You sat on the bed.

"Don't laugh at me. It's really hard."

"You're cute when you're drunk." He said smiling. "Come one lets get you undressed." He said. "And... um.... I promise I won't look. I-" He said turning red and all flustered, causing a smile to spread on your face.

He started to unzip your dress not letting his eyes linger on any exposed skin. He helped you take the straps off, handed you the shirt and immediately turned around cheeks a deep shade of red. You pulled the shirt over your head and standing up to try pull the rest of the dress past your legs, once you tried standing up you lost balance again grabbing onto Ruels arms for stability. He turned around and held you by the waist.

"Can't take off the dress." You said giggling finding it funny how incompetent you were when you were drunk.

"Just sit on the bed. I'll help you." He said as you lied your back against the bed, your legs dangling off the side. He started with untieing your laces and taking off your shoes.

*Ruel POV*

It was time to take off the dress and he was stressed. He wasn't sure why but he was. His heart beating fast, his cheeks red. Once he had taken off your shoes he took and deep breath and started pulling the dress past your hips. He did his best not to look, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable and he didn't want to make you think he was taking advantage of you since you were intoxicated to the point where you couldn't even stand for more than a second and a half. He pulled the dress past your knees then past your feet. He picked it up, folded it, placed it on the bed next to you and picked up the sweatpants he had gotten for you. He helped you put them on, however they wouldn't even stay. You had some hip, it's just Ruel was so big that his sweat pants wouldn't even remotely fit you.

"Okay, well the sweatpants aren't working out." He said. You didn't answer, he looked up at you to find you sound asleep. Making him chuckle a little. You were the cutest in his eyes. He gently took off the sweatpants, threw them onto his bed and carried you to the other room.

He gently placed you on the double bed and pulled the covers up to your waist. When he was on his way out you started to stir and mumble incoherent words. He turned around thinking he might have woken you up by accident, to then realise it was you just sleep talking causing him to chuckle a little. He walked back over to you and kissed your forehead.

"Goodnight, Fran."

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