Chapter 7

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hey guys this is even shorter than usual. i'm so sorry. i've been having writers block and plus i feel like you guys don't really enjoy this story. anyways thank you so much for 200 reads :) btw it's unedited sorry.
__________________________As that week and the second went on Ruel reverted to his regular self. The fact that you hadn't told him about your father's death didn't bother him anymore. He knew that you would talk about it when you were ready, and if you weren't that was okay. He also knew that if you didn't want him to know yet there was a reason and he respected that. He hadn't once brought up the fact that he knew your secret.

*In Ruels Car*

Ruel had come to pick you up in his car today. He had woken up late and wouldn't have made it to school on time. So he texted you and told you that he would be picking you up by car.

Miguel didn't really mind Ruel, but you knew he didn't approve of him. No one was good enough for you in Miguel's eyes.

" (A + B) squared" you said quizzing Ruel.

"( A+ B)(A-B)"

"You see you are ready for the math test."

"I don't know, i'm not the as confident as I should be."

"You'll do great. We studied together."

"You're right. You'll do great, I'll do average."

"You wanna bet?"

"Okay." He said grinning from ear to ear. "If i'm correct I get to take you out on a date. Deal?"

"How about, if you get above average I'll go on a date with you?"

"You are aware you're just lowering the chances of our date, right?"

"I guess we'll have to see." You said smiling. "Now, lets continue to practice." You said not wanting Ruel to get an average grade.

You quizzed each other all the way to school. Both of you knew the formulas perfectly, there wasn't a chance that you fail.

4th period rolled around, you were ready and so was Ruel. You entered the room and everyone sat at their seats. The tests were already on the desks face down.

*Ruel POV*

You and Ruel walk into the classroom and there were two pages on each desk. He could feel his heart start beating faster. He sat at the desk across from you. He looked over and you were taking out your pencil case. You then looked up and saw Ruel, he could tell as soon as you looked at him that you knew he was worried. You put your hand over his a squeezed it lightly.

"You're going to do great." you whispered.

He instantly felt himself more reassured and smiled a little.

"You may now turn the papers over." The teacher said.

*End of the day*

'' I think it went well. I mean I answered every single answer on the test. I hope I get above average.'' He says looking over at you.

'' I hope you do too.'' You say smiling back.

*At Home*

It was 1 am and you were just watching Netflix when your phone rang. You weren't expecting anyone to call. As soon as you saw the caller you picked up.

*Over The Phone*

Ruel: What are you doing?

You : Just watching netflix

Ruel: Do you wanna go on an adventure?

You: Ruel, it's 1 am.

Ruel: Please.

You: Where would we even go?

Ruel: I want to show you my favourite spot in all of Sydney.

You: Yow long would it take?

Ruel: Not more than an hour. Please Y/N. It's going to be so good.

You: Fine.

Ruel: Okay good because i'm in front of your house.

You: Wha-

Ruel: Yeah.

You: What do i wear?

Ruel: Whatever you have on right now. I've got an extra jumper if you want.

You: Okay.

*Call Ended*

You tiptoed downstairs , slipped on some vans, opened the door as quietly as possible and closed it behind you. Ruels car was parked right in front of your house. You ran inside and sat in the passenger seat.

'' I can't believe i'm doing this'' You said.

'' You wont regret it.'' Ruel said as he started the engine.'' By the way here's a hoodie you can wear.''

You put it on and it was warm, it was also too big. Ruel was much taller than you. You looked over at Ruel and he was looking at you with the most loving smile. You looked at the hoodie he was wearing, but he wasn't wearing one. He was just wearing a long sleeve shirt.

'' You dont have an extra hoodie, do you?'' You asked as you pulled the sleeves up over your hands.

'' Nope.''

'' Then why'd you give me yours? I could've taken one of my own.''

'' Because I like it when you wear my clothes, and anyways they look better on you than they ever could on me.''

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