Chapter 18

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this ones a bit longer than usual.
____________________________________Ruels fan base had grown a whole lot since the album drop. He would sometimes get recognised in the streets. It had only been a few weeks of you both dating but Nate and Ruel had agreed it was better to keep your relationship a secret. Which meant rules. You didn't mind it too much, you were already sneaking around your brother and mother. It wouldn't hurt if you sneaked around his fans. You certainly did not want your brother to find out you were dating a boy through social media. Plus girlfriends tend to usually get a lot of hate from the fans and you were not very keen on the idea of getting cyber bullied.

*Francisca POV*

"You're never at home anymore." Miguel said.

"That's not true. Im home all week."

"Yeah then on weekends you run off to Mary's. Ive heard about her notorious parties. Hella shit goes down there."

"How would you know?"

"I've been told." You had not been to many either. You were only half way through the year, there wasn't really time for big parties. But you know once the christmas break would roll around, parties would be booming. "I just don't want you to do anything stupid. I know you're the youngest of the grade and I don't want them to influence you into thing you'd shouldn't be doing"

"Miguel. We've already had the drug talk. I'm not taking drunks, I don't drink, I don't smoke." You felt guilty for lying to your older brother, he was only looking out for you. But then again you had only drank once or twice and you had never even thought of smoking.

"I know, I know. You're not like that. I just wanted to make sure." He said walking out.

You sat up and started to get ready, the girls were having lunch at the waterfront and you were excited to go. Sunday came to pick you up and you headed towards the restaurant.

"I'm so happy, we haven't had a girls lunch since summer. Plus now that you're with us everything is just so much better."

"Aw thank you. You guys are absolutely lovely and I'm so glad that I got to be friends with you guys. I mean you're absolutely wild."

"Just wait till Mary's big Christmas party. Every year Mary and her mother goes to the Melbourne to visit her mother (Mary's grandma). She's allowed to travel back alone, so she spends New Years in Sydney and throws the craziest party every year. You're absolutely going to love it."

"I can't wait. I've actually heard about it. I'm pretty sure Noah told me about it."

"Yeah oh my god. He was there last year, he got really drunk. He was so funny."

"I can imagine. He's really lovely, we text often."

"Does Ruel know?" Sunday said. You were a bit worried, not too sure why Ruel needed to know who you were texting.

"Well I don't know. He knows we're friends." You replied.

"I think you should tell him." Sunday said in a concerned tone.


"Well I mean when Ruel was with Mary he was just a bit overprotective. Well I don't know if that's the word I should use....."

"When Ruel was with Mary" those words played on loop in your head. He had never told you, neither had Mary. You had found out through Sunday. You couldn't hear Sunday anymore. Whatever she was now saying was white noise.

"Fran?" Sunday said as she stopped.

"Um yes sorry what?" you said a little frazzled and thrown off by this.

"Are you okay ? You look a little pale."

"No yeah I'm fine. I just didn't eat breakfast and I'm starving. That must be it."

"Good thing we're here. " She said parking her car near the restaurant.

The lunch was nice. Everything was perfect, expect for the fact you couldn't help but think Ruel hadn't said anything cause he was hiding something. You had become a bit quiet and Mary had realised. When lunch was over you went to the bathroom just before leaving with Sunday again.

"Fran?" Mary's voice echoed through the bathroom.

You walked out of the stall and started washing your hands. "Yeah?" you replied. You weren't mad at Mary, nor were you at Ruel. You were just wondering why they had never told you about their past relationship.

"Is everything okay? You seemed a bit off today." Mary sounded genuinely concerned.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I've just been overthinking."

"Do you wanna talk about it? I can drive you home if you'd like. It's just a small detour."

"No, no don't worry."

"Fran. Come on. Let's go tell Sunday she can go." You were kind of relieve when she said that. At least you would get a chance to talk to her about it. You said your goodbyes to all the girls and climbed into Mary's mother's car.

"So? What's bothering you?" Mary asked while starting the car.

"Well um.. I just only found out you and Ruel dated." Mary's face went a bit pale after you had said that.

"He didn't tell you?" Mary asked. "I thought he would've told you. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It's okay. He didn't tell me, it was just a bit of a surprise to me."

"I'm really sorry. I would've just expected him to have told you. And I don't really talk about it but only because it's over now." Which made sense, Mary was the only girl you knew who could properly live in the moment. She didn't worry about the past or the future and that was something you wish you had.

"Mary. Don't be sorry. It's all okay. I just was confused as to why I didn't know."

"Are you sure? I don't want a boy to come in between our friendship."

"No boy will get in between our friendship." You said smiling. You were glad you were friends with Mary. She was the closest thing you had to a best friend here and you were so glad you guys had talked. The rest of the car ride was fun, blasting music through the speakers and singing at the top of your lungs. You were happy.

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