Chapter 20

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*Francisca POV*

You were two weeks away from exams. Teachers had completely stopped giving homework and some would even let you study during their classes. You wouldn't see Ruel often. Weekends he was in studio all the time. He would sometimes travel to see where he was going to perform. And you really missed him.

You were walking down the halls and suddenly got pulled to the side.

"Ruel!" you exclaimed. "Don't scare me like that." you said playfully hitting his chest. He leaned in and kissed you.

"I haven't seen you all weekend. And I have needs. I can't just not see you."

You pulled him by the collar and brushed your lips against his. "So do I" you said. He couldn't resist but push you up against a wall crashing his lips against yours. It had only been three days. You weren't sure how you'd last about a month when he was on tour.

"MHM" someone cleared their throat right behind you. "Mr. Van Dijk and Ms. Da Costa would you please follow me into my office."

Your heart stopped. It was the principle. Your eyes shot back at ruels. Looking at him you couldn't help but giggle. Making your way behind the principle towards his office you weren't sure what was going to happen. But you didn't really care.

"We're fucked." Ruel whispered and you giggled.

"This is so funny." you whispered back, Ruel squeezed your hand tight chuckling a little.

You each sat in a chair infront of the principles desk.

"How many times do I have to tell students. No kissing in school, no sexual interactions in school. Do all of that in your own free time. During school hours you should be in class learning, not wandering off and pleasing your sexual needs."

You both nodded really trying not to laugh.

"If this happens again I will have to write you off." The principle said sternly.

"Yes sir." you both replied in union. The principle nodded towards the door dismissing you both. Walking out you couldn't help but laugh. You had just been caught for making out in the halls, you both found that so funny.

"Can we just pass by my locker?"

"Yeah. Let's go." Ruel replied.

You headed to your locker and started to get the books for the class you were supposed to currently be in. The halls were completely empty since the principle had called you in, in between classes.

Ruel wrapped his hands around your waist and started kissing your neck up to your collar bone. He placed his hands on your hips and turned you around giving him access to your lips.

"Francisca?" you heard. This time a ball created in your stomach. It wasn't the principle but the voice of Miguel. Ruel and you stood apart. He walked towards you and grabbed you by the wrist pulling you towards the exit. You didn't even have the time to close your locker, your bag was still open.

"Let me go." you said trying to get out of Miguel's grip. Opening the school doors he finally lets you go.

"Esta brincado ? (are you joking?)" he asked sternly. "You're fuxking skipping class to make out with some boy? Fodas (fuck) what the hell as gotten into you?" Miguel said getting even more mad after every word.

"I wasn't skipping. I was at the principles."

"Porque estava la (why were you there)"

"Não é importante (it's not important)"

"Eu juro por deus se é por causa desse menino (i swear to god if it's because of that boy)" he said as he clenched his fists.

"She didn't do anything wrong. It's my fault." Ruel said stepping outside.

"Ruel go back-" you said worried what Miguel would do.

"You've done enough thank you very fucking much. Go back to class playboy." you brother said you could almost see the fury in his eyes. You knew he was holding back a lot of anger.

"Miguel cale a boca (shut up)" you said. Ruel looked at you to make sure you'd be okay. You nodded and he headed back in.

"Sempre escolhendo as merdas não é ? Fodas. Vamos a falar de isso em casa. Now go to fucking class. (Always picking the little shits aren't you? Fuck. We'll talk about this at home.)" Miguel said walking away and back into school not even looking at you.

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