Chapter 15

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hey guys sorry for not updating in like literal ages but thank you so much for 2K reads that's so cool !! anyways hope you guys enjoy this part took me a while to write i was really stuck.
You woke up from your sleep to the sound of you phone ringing. You sat up and reached for the phone. Ruel had plugged it in last night considering it didn't have any battery.

You picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was your mother. You answered.

Fran: Olá (hi)

Mom: Ola fofa, tudo bem? (hi fofa, everything alright?)

Fran: Yeah. I'm good. You?

Mom: Sim. I was just wondering what time you'd be home at?

Fran: Well, I'm not so sure. I haven't had breakfast yet. So maybe sometime after breakfast

Mom: Fofa, it's 12pm. You haven't gotten breakfast yet?

Fran: Haha no. Not yet.

Mom: I thought Mary was an early bird.

You were confused. Why was your mother talking about Mary. Why wasn't she mad you hadn't come home last night, you hadn't even told her you'd be spending the night at someones. You decided to just go along with it and explain everything when you got home.

Fran: Haha, guess not.

Mom: Okay, well after breakfast just text me and tell me if i need to pick you up or anything.

Fran: Oh umm, yeah. Of course. But mom? Can I take an Uber instead. I think it be better.

Mom: Okay then. Just text me telling me what time you'll be home at.

*End of Call*

You were glad your mother wasn't so strict. She was pretty laid back compared to some mother's you knew.

You slide back under the covers and brought yourself closer to Ruel.  You nuzzle your face into Ruels bare chest and sighed.

"What's wrong?" He whispered as he brought his hand up to your hair, starting to massage your scalp. He spoke however his eyes were still closed.

"My mom called."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. She just wants to know what time i'll be home at."

"Well, what time will you be home at?"

"I don't know."

"I think we should figure it out after breakfast. Yeah?"

"Yeah." you whispered back smiling.

Once again Ruel rubbed his eyes and sat up. He looked down at you and smiled. He put his hand through his hair a few times trying to tame it, he then stood up and placed a hand out.

"Shall we?" He said in a posh english accent.

"We shall." Your replied giggling, taking his hand as he pulled you to your feet.

"What do you wanna eat?" He asked holding your hand walking down the hallway and down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"I don't mind." you said.

"Pancakes?" He suggested.

"Simmmm (yessss)" you said excited. You loved pancakes.

Ruel looked at you and chuckled.

"What?" You asked.

"Nothing" He said.

Ruel got all the ingredients out, you would've helped but you didn't know where anything was. You started on the pancake batter and so did Ruel. Once the batter was done, you started making the pancakes while Ruel cleaned the mess you had both made while making the batter.

"Weirdest thing. My mom thinks i'm at Mary's house right now. I don't even know how, did i text her last night? Like at any point?" you asked while putting some batter on the pan.

"It was me."

"You texted my mom?"

"No. Your phone died."

"Well i texted Mary and told her to text your mom telling her you'd be staying the night."

"well thank you for like saving my ass. i think my mom would have called the police if i hadn't gone home."

"anytime." he said wrapping his arms around your waist. you turned around in his embrace and looked at him.

"you're cute." you whispered.

"so are you." he whispered nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

Out of nowhere the door opened and Coco walked through causing for you and Ruel to jump away from each other.

"RUEL YOU WILL NOT GUESS WH-" Coco stooped as soon as she saw you. "Hi." she said confused. "I'm Coco, Ruels sister."

"I'm Francisca. Ruels... Ruels friend." you said smiling. at that moment you realised you didn't know what you were to Ruel. Where you just comfort to him, someone to make out with him from time to time. Because that's not what you wanted to be. You weren't even sure what you wanted to be.

"Wait! As in Francisca Francisca? Like Fran Francisca?"

Ruel nodded.

"The one you talked to me about?"

"Yes." Ruel said a little embarrassed Coco was exposing him like that.

The room went silent. Coco looking in between you and Ruel, Ruel looking at the floor and Francisca straight up confused.

"Uhh. Ruel. Can i talk to you?"

"Yeah." he said shyly not really sure what to expect.

Coco entered the room next door and Ruel followed leaving you with your pancakes.

"First off you did not tell me she was absolutely stunning. Like she way out of your league." she squealed.

"I know" Ruel giggled.

"Second what is she doing home so early. It's like 12:30. And you dont wake up for shit before like 12:0- SHE SLEPT HERE, DIDNT SHE?" Coco said almost yelling the last part once it had finally hit her.

"Shhh" Ruel said. "Yeah she slept here, but thats only because I was not about to let her go home at like 3 in the morning. And plus our house was closer."

"Where'd she sleep?" She asked.

"Guest bedroom."

"Where'd you sleep?"

Ruel didn't answer. Not knowing how to answer the question without making Coco think things.

"Oh my god. You slept with her. Did you guys- actually don't tell me. I have no interest in knowing my little brothers sexual life."

"Nothing happened." ruel stated just to clear things up.

"God. Who knew my little brother could get girls." Coco said making Ruel laugh.

"Well um Coco we made- Fran made" he said correcting himself. "pancakes. If you want you can have breakfast with us."

"No. Don't worry. i already ate, and anyways i wouldn't want to bother my little brother and his girlfriends first breakfast together."

"She's not my girlfriend." Ruel said.

"Not yet." Coco said smiling while walking up the stairs.

"And ruel." She said half way up.

"Mhm." he hummed.

"Put a shirt on." she said and continued her way up to her room.

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