Chapter 9

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hey guys :) 400 reads this is so cool! hope you guys like this part. i think it's kinda cute. however not my best finish but will try post more often. i just have a lot of tests coming up and have been studying a lot. also this parts a lil short sorry and unedited :((
__________________________You then pulled away from him and started to giggle.

"What?" He looked at you quizzically, a little confused to why you had pulled away from his soft lips.

"Did we just spider-man kiss horizontally?" you said now laughing.

"I think we did." he said joining in on the laughter, realising what you both had just done.

"That was my first spider-man kiss ever." You said in between laughs, both you and Ruel started laughing even harder.

"Mine too." He said as he laughed just as loud as you.

After a while the laughter had died down and it was quiet again.

"Glad it was with you." He whispered then kissed the top of your head. Silence fell again, as you continued to watch the stars, however you hadn't realised that it was getting lighter and the sun was about to rise.

Ruels phone rang, interrupting the comfortable silence you both had created. He picked up gud phone up and looked at the caller ID.

"It's my cousin, i'll call him back later. He must've forgotten how early it is in Sydney."

"What time is it even?" You asked realising you hadn't kept track of the time since your phone died a while back.

"5:48!" he said surprised.

"5? Like as in 5 in the morning?"

He nodded.

"I should probably get you home before any of your family members realise you're not home and think you've been kidnapped."

You just giggled. "No ones awake at this hour in my house, but let's go. I'm a little tired." You said as you stood up. You walked back to the car with Ruel and got in.

The ride back was even better than the first one. The sun was rising, the sky a beautiful shades of oranges and pinks, the music lightly playing through the speakers of the car filling the silence and how every so often you'd catch Ruel quickly stealing glances.

Out of the blue you asked:

"Why'd you ask to kiss me this time?"

"What do you mean?" He said looking over.

"You asked if you could kiss me. No ones done that."

"Well, I didn't want you to think I was taking advantage of you."

"Taking advantage of me?"

"You were in a vulnerable state, I didn't want you to think that I was kissing you solely because you had just been crying. It wasn't a pity kiss, it was an I want to kiss you kiss. You know?" He said looking over to see if you had understood.

You were smiling from ear to ear. He was perfect; sweet, thoughtful, caring. The full package.

He held out his hand and you laced your fingers with his. His hand was warm and comforting. The rest of the ride was quiet, just you and Ruel enjoying each other's presences, and you held hands the whole way, his gently stroking the back of you hand with his thumb as he drove.


You unlocked the door to your house and tiptoed inside, you slid off your shoes and started walking towards the stairs.

"Francisca?" Miguel almost yelled.

"Sim (yes)" you replied.

He came running down the stairs. It was odd he was dressed in gym gear.

"É loca? (are you crazy?)" He yelled.

"Que? (what)" you said taken aback by the act he was yelling and you had no clue why.

"Don't what me. Where have you been? Are you crazy going out like that. Not telling me or mãe (mom) where you're going. What are you even doing out at 6 in the morning?"

"Miguel! Stop yelling." you yelled back.

"No! Francisca, you had me and mom worried sick. Do you understand, I had to go wake her up to tell her that her 15 year old daughter isn't in bed. That she's not even home."

You don't even answer. You hated being yelled at, and he knew it.

"Why didn't you answer your phone? I called you, mom called you. Why couldn't you text us telling us you're okay. That you haven't been kidnapped."

"My phone died, and stop being so dramatic." you said rolling your eyes. You were fed up with him acting like he had authority over you.

"Don't you dare act all pretentious-"

"No! Don't YOU dare act like you're my father. You're not. Stop pretending you're him." You said rushing off, your eyes brimmed with tears.

"I lost him too." Miguel yelled loud enough for you to hear even as you slammed your door shut.

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