Chapter 13

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this part is really short :/ sorry. i haven't had much time. i'll post more often during the summer. anyways hope you enjoy this extremely short chapter :)

*Ruel POV*

"Pai! (dad) Pai!" you screamed.

Ruel woke up, not realising immediately who was screaming. He then remembered you were staying over. He rushed to the room you were staying, to find you having a nightmare.

"Fran! Francisca!" he said shaking you to wake you up.

*Fran POV*

You woke up from a nightmare again. However, this time in Ruels arms. Your eyes teary you held onto him and a few tears escaping, causing you to hold him tighter.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he whispered.
as he stroked your hair to calm you down.

"I had a nightmare." you said not even remotely answering his question.

"Are you okay?" He asked clearly concerned.

You just nodded to answer. There was a moment of silence.

"What does "pai" mean ?" he asked, still stroking your hair.

"Dad." You whispered.

"It was about your father ?" he asked.


"Do you wanna tell me about it?"

You shook your head. A few more minutes past. Ruel still comforting you and you tracing little shapes and designs on his arm.

"It's getting a little late. Maybe you should go back to sleep." He said standing up.

You looked up at him, not having the confidence to ask him to stay. Ruel turned around and started heading towards the door.

"Ruel." You said lowly.

"Yeah?" He said turning around.

"C-can you stay with me, please."

"Of course" he said walking towards the bed again. Sliding under the covers next to you and embracing you in his arms.

The warmth was comforting.

"It's always the same one." You whispered, he didn't say anything however, you knew he had heard you.

"I'm in the dark, and it's like endless. Then I turn around and i see my father. I run towards him, but he's stuck in a glass box. It then starts to fill up with water. I keep trying to break it, but I just can't. My father starts calling for help, and he's asking help from me. But I can't do anything. The box is filled with water and his last words are Francisca."

"How often?" Ruel whispered.

"Every night." you whispered back.

He didn't answer. He just cuddled closer to you and held you tighter. It was comforting. You liked his presence. You started playing with his hair. After a while your eyelids got heavy and so did Ruels. You both fell asleep within minutes.


You woke up your head pounding. Not remembering a single detail about last night. Suddenly most memories came back all at once. However, you couldn't remember anything after stumbling into Ruel at the party looking for the bathroom.

You started to become aware of your surroundings. Ruels arms around your waist, you're legs interwoven with him under the covers, you weren't wearing pants and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Your cheeks started to turn red and heat up.

Had you just slept with Ruel?

He wouldn't, would he ?

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