Chapter 17

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trying to post more often. i promise it will get better. i just need to build up to it.
You and Ruel were officially a couple but you couldn't go running around the school halls shouting it. Your brother was still in your school and as everyone who knew him knew, his family was off limits.

Sneaking kisses in the halls, making out in the janitors closest. It was thrilling, being with Ruel was thrilling. Very few people knew about your relationship status, but it didn't bother you. You actually preferred it that way.

After school you had headed to Ruels house since both his parents where out for the afternoon.

"What time would you like me to pick you up at ?" Ruel questioned while combing his fingers through your long hair. It was always something he had loved about you, and he hadn't failed to mention it. He always complimented it and it made you feel appreciated.

"Well not too late. Maybe like 8:30 or 9:00"


"What time are your parents getting home at?" you asked not ready to meet them yet, you and Ruel had only been dating for 2 weeks.

"My mom usually gets home around 6 and so does my father but they've got a dinner to attend to tonight and Coco called and told me she wasn't coming home tonight. So technically we've got the whole house to ourselves."

You smiled. "LETS TO SWIMMING" you exclaimed as climbed onto Ruels lap, he snaked his arms around your waist.

"If that's what you want to do." he smiled back.

"Wait no. I don't have a swimsuit." You said suddenly frowning .

"You can use one of Cocos. She wouldn't mind."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Now let's go find you one." You both walked into Cocos room, Ruel unsure in what exact drawer her swimsuits were in, he let you look you too, you found a black bikini you thought might fit you. You changed into the bathroom and Ruel was already by the pool waiting for you. You walked out and caught Ruels eye. He stopped his phone and looked at you from bottom to top. You became insecure and wrapped your hands around your stomach.

"I should've gone for a 1 piece" you whispered insecurity lacing your words, afraid he thought you looked ugly. Ruel walked up to you and picked you up. " I'm glad you picked that one. Looks better on you than it ever would on Coco."

Ruel walking to the pool jumped in with you over his shoulder, you didn't even have the time to scream. You got up and brushed the hair out of your face. The water was so good. You hadn't gone swimming in ages. You liked the pool.

You climbed onto Ruels back as he swam towards the stairs. He sat you down and looked at you a huge smile spread across his face.

"I've got to tell you something." he said.

"tell me."

"You can't tell anyone. I've convinced Nate go let me tell you, but you can't tell anyone else."

"Okay... I won't. I promise." you said smiling excited.

"I'm dropping an album!" he exclaimed.

You threw your hands around his neck. "Baby I'm so proud." you said.

He pulled away. "Baby?" he chuckled.

"Oh shut up." you said hitting his chest.

"No... I like it, bAbY"

"Ugh, you're such a tease." you said trying to frown but unable cause you were trying not to laugh.

"That's the whole point." he said getting leaning in and gently pressing his lips against yours.

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