Chapter 21 (2/2)

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"Ruel! Francisca! Dinners ready." Kate called from downstairs. Both you and Ruel headed down to see Ralph and Kate in the kitchen while Coco was setting the table.

"Hello. I'm Ralph." Ruels father said extending his hand.

"Francisca. Nice to meet you." you replied shaking his hand.

"Son." Ralph said embracing Ruel.

"Hey dad." he said hugging his father back. "What are we eating tonight?"

"Bolognaise." Kate replied. "I hope that's okay, it's made from scratch. Are you allergic to anything?"

"No that sounds delicious. I'm not allergic to anything."

"Well then, we shouldn't have an issue." she said as she set the Bolognaise on the table. Everyone took their respectable seats and Ralph started by serving you then everyone else.

"Francisca, where are you from? Are you new to Sydney?" Ralph asked.

"I'm from Portugal. Its my first year here, I've only been here for a few months."

"Wow. You've come from far. Did you move to Sydney thanks to your parents jobs?"

"It was thanks to my mother's job."

"What does she do?" asked Kate curiously.

"She's a surgeon. The head of pedestrics at Westmead."

"Wow. That's pretty impressive." Kate replied genuinely impressed.

"What about your father?" asked Ralph. Your heart started to race, you didn't know how to answer. Where you supposed to tell them?

"He stayed back in Lisbon." Ruel replied saving you.

"Oh I see. Will he be joining you?"

"No. They divorced." Ruel blurted out.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay. Im going back to Portugal soon."

"That's lovely. Are you in the same school as Ruel?"

"Yes. We're in the same class."

"That's lovely to hear."

The rest of the dinner passed smoothly. No more questions about your parents. The Van Dijks were so sweet and they had such nice family dinners. After dinner you started helping Kate with the dishes.

"I'd propose to watch a movie but it's a Monday evening so maybe next time."

"I'd love that."

"You know you can go upstairs and join Ruel." she said.

"Oh don't worry. He's taking a shower. And I'd much rather help you, after that delicious dinner it's the least I could do."

"You're a lovely girl." Kate replied. "How is it having a surgeon mother?"

"Well, she sometimes comes home very late and leaves very early. But she really loves what she does. It occupies her. "

"So you often eat alone?"

"Um. Yeah. Sometimes." you felt bad for lying, Miguel was always there. He had not let you eat alone once.

"Well, you're always welcome to join our dinners. Sylvie, Ruels older sister use to live here but she left for university so it's nice to be 5 at the table again."

"Thank you. I really enjoyed the dinner."

"Go on upstairs. I can finish it up here."

"Are you sure?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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