Chapter 2

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"Ruel? As in R U L E or like R O O L?" you said slightly confused causing him to laugh.

"As in R U E L. It's dutch, it's kinda weird." he said scratching the back of his head. "Are you from around here ?" he asked.

"No, I moved here on Friday."

"If you want i could show you arou-"

Ruel was cut off by your phone ringing, it's was your brother. You picked you.

"Fran get home, moms a little worried it's getting dark. She doesn't want you walking in the streets alone at 9"


"Also foods ready, are you close by? I can come pick you up if you're not."

"Não, it's okay. I'm not to far off."

"Okay be here soon." He said and hung up.

"I should get going." You said looking up at Ruel. His eyebrows furrowing a bit.

"I could drive you, it's almost pitch black."

"No don't worry, I don't live too far off"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." you said as you walked off.

"Umm... Hey can I get your number?"


"Uhhh... well yeah."

"And why would I give you my number, you made me drop my phone in the water." you said teasing him.

"I jumped in to get it didn't I? I think I deserve it."

"Fair enough." you said giggling and handing him your phone. He added himself as a contact, you said goodbye and walked off.

"Don't forget to text me" he yelled from across the beach.

"I won't." you said laughing.

* Home *

Once you got home you texted Ruel.

You: i'm home

Ruel: that was fast

You: i told you i don't live too far off

Ruel: maybe next time i go surfing you'll join me

You: oh um i don't surf

( side note: it will all make sense in the up coming chapters )

Ruel: i could teach you

You: haha yeah

You and Ruel texted everyday, just getting to know each other. He was the sweetest boy alive. So caring and thoughtful, however you hadn't met up again since that one night. You were waiting for him to ask you out first.

Ruel: hey you wanna meet up, like get ice cream or smth ??

You: ofc :) sounds great

Ruel: today ? at 7:30 ??

You: where do we meet ?

Ruel: the pier ??

You: perfect :)

You were really looking forward to meeting Ruel again. You really liked him. As a friend. Possibly a little more? No you said to yourself. I'm not falling in love with someone here. You thought.

The clock approached 7 so you decided to get ready. You took your shower and started getting dressed. You decided on black jeans and a denim jacket with a black cropped cami under. You put on a tiny bit of makeup and you were ready. You checked the clock and it was 7:31. You quickly texted Ruel saying you'll be a little late.

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