Chapter 16

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i'm so sorry for not updating in like actual months it took a pandemic for me to start writing again haha. i'll try be more active and post more often also sorry about how short this is.

You finished flipping the last pancake as Ruel walked back into the kitchen shirt in hand.

"All done" you whispered as you put the pan near the sink. Ruel got out maple syrup and he had cut up a few strawberries. He took both plates and walked outside. You followed behind him holding the maple syrup and fruits. He slid open a big glass window and turned left. There was a big table, each chair with a white pillow. He placed the plates next to each other over looking the garden and the pool. He let you choose your seat and sat right next to you.

"How much maple syrup would you like?" He asked.

"No too much." you said quietly, while he was talking with his sister you had really thought about what you were to Ruel. And you didn't know. It really threw you off because you hadn't thought about it before. What scared you the most was that you opened up to him about your father and you weren't sure when he was going to drop you for an older and prettier girl. You had heard about Ruel and Mary's relationship through Sunday. What if you were just a rebound?

"Fran? Is everything okay?" Ruel said concerned.

"Yes." you replied not even looking up at Ruel, not wanting to be annoying or create any unnecessary drama.

Ruel looked at you.

"Was it Coco? She wasn't supposed to come home so early. I thought we would have till later."

"It's not Coco." you whispered.

"The what is it?" Ruel questioned sitting closer to you. You didn't reply, not sure how to tell him.

"W-What are we?" You said rushed your mind racing at 100km per hour. Thousands upon thousands of insecure thoughts filling your brain not knowing where to start. "Because we never talked about it and are we just friends because I don't know and I like you I like you a lot and the fact I don't know stresses me out I'm scared tha-"

You were interrupted by Ruel crashing his lips against yours. And just like that your mind went blank. No more thoughts, no more insecurities. It was just you and him.

You pulled away out of breath, your forehead against his. He pulled you closer and placed you in between his legs, your back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you on the cheek.

"Did you only kiss me to shut me up?" you whispered an insecurity creeping back into your brain.

"Maybe just a little" he said as he laughed. You could feel the vibrations from his chest onto your back, it was a real laugh. He was genuinely happy.

Ruel wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer.

"I really like you too." He whispered and kissed your neck. Butterflies exploded in your stomach. Immediately you turned around to face him. You couldn't contain your smile your cupped his face and kissed him like if you hadn't seen him in months.

"Can you..... be... my girlfriend?" Ruel said in between kisses. You stopped and pulled away. Admiring every single feature on this boys face. You nodded and kissed his cheek butterflies in your stomach.

This boy was yours, and only yours.

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