Chapter 11

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not my best chapter. but i'm trying to slowly introduce the tea. you'll see :) continue reading to find out sksksk also 600 reads :))) every chapter i post i get about 100 more and that's so cool. ahhhh anyways yeah unedited sorry :( btw got a message asking if i could make the chapters longer so here you go x :)

You woke up from a really good nap, considering it was now 5pm. You got out of bed and went downstairs for a little snack. You got downstairs and there was a note on the counter saying that your mother had gone out and Miguel had gone surfing.

You decided to make toast. While you were waiting for your bread to toast you ran back up stairs to get your phone. You read Ruels message, making your heart explode with excitement. He truly was perfect.

However, something was odd. The studio? What did he mean? You decided to ask him later, when he called. You started another episode of Friends while you made your toast.

Time flew by, before you knew it, it was already 7pm, Miguel had gotten home a few minutes ago, telling you about the waves and the crazy ones he caught. After a while Ruel called you and you immediately picked up.

*Over Call*

Ruel: Hey

You: Hi

Ruel: How'd you sleep?

You: Pretty decently actually

Ruel: Glad. Um.. There's a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go?

You: Party?

Ruel: Yeah. If you don't want to we don't have to go. It's just I told people I was going and I think Id enjoy it more if you were there than if you were not

You: I'll ask my mom. What time would we be home at?

Ruel: Not too late. Around 1 maybe 2 the latest. And if it gets boring we'll leave earlier.

You: Okay, okay. You've convinced me. Where is it?

Ruel: Dont worry about that. I'll come pick you up at 9?

You: Perfect. Also what did you mean by studio?

Ruel: What do you mean? I meant studio studio.

You: Like art studio?

Ruel: Haha. Recording studio

You: Why were you at a recording studio?

Ruel: I was recording a new song. It's actually gonna be released soon. I really hope you like it, I've worked hard on it and the vocals are a little difficult.

You: New song?

Ruel: Fran, are you okay?

You: Yeah, yeahhh No i'm just confused. New song?

Ruel: Francisca. I'm a singer. I need to release new songs to stay relevant.

You: Wait. Like professional singer?

Ruel: Um... Yeah.

You: How did I not know ?

Ruel: Oh, Fran. I need to go. I'll text you, yeah?

You: Ummm.... Yeah.

You were absolutely confused. Studio? Recording? New songs? You opened instagram and typed Ruel into the search bar.

Hundreds upon hundreds of fan accounts popped up, but the first account was called "oneruel" and it was verified. You pressed on it, still utterly puzzled. You checked the most recent and it was Ruel, alright. You screenshoted the account and closed the app. You opened your chat with ruel over text and sent him the screenshot.

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