Chapter 10

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hey guys :) 500 reads this crazy. i know it's not a lot but numbers are changing and faster than i expected. anyways hope you enjoy. doesn't involve ruel as much. also unedited sorry :(
__________________________You couldn't help but cry. You didn't want to be home at all. You wanted to leave. You were mad at Miguel, at your mom, at the world.

There was a knock on your door. You weren't in the mood for another lecture from Miguel.

"Não quer falar contigo agora. (I don't want to talk with you right now)" you said loudly.

The door opened and you then felt your bed dent a little.

"Are you okay?"

It was your mother.

"Yeah." you said muffled by the pillow you had your head dunked in.

"Fofa, why didn't you answer your phone?"

"It died."

"Please, honey, don't pull another stunt like this."

"No, please don't give me a lecture. I already received one from Miguel."

"Fofa, he was just as worried. You know he's acting like this because he cares."

"Weird way of showing it." you said not believing what she said.

"When you didn't answer your phone he rushed into my room. He wanted to call the police.You know that, right?"

"He's so dramatic sometimes. I was just out for a few hours."

"Francisca, just please let one of us know if you're leaving. Okay?"


Your mother walked of the room and closed the door and you put your head back into the pillow. You were exhausted, hadn't slept all night. You heard your door opening again.

"Mom, i'll already said sorry. I'll say sorry to Miguel later. I'm tired. I wanna sleep." You said not lifting your head from the pillow, not even opening your eyes.

"Fran?" Miguel's voice was low and quiet.

You opened your eyes and sat up.

"Miguel if you're here to lecture me. Please save it. I'm exhausted, I just wanna sleep."

"I came to say sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." He said stepping in a little further into your room. You could see he meant it. "I was just worried. I thought you had run away, or worse gotten kidnapped. I was scared Fran."

"Miguel. That wasn't my intention. But please don't yell at me. I hate that."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. But you shouldn't have left without a warning."

"I know." You said fiddling with your thumbs, finally agreeing you were in the wrong. He walked over and sat where your mother had been a few minutes prior.

"I can't lose you too." He said looking at you, his eyes slightly glassy. Your heart broke, knowing you had caused pain to your brother, of all people, hurt you. You pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry." You whispered.

He hugged you back tight.

"Please don't pull crap like this again. You really scared me." He whispered.

"I won't. I promise."

He pulled away from the hug and stood up, he started walking to the door.

"Why did you even come looking for me at 6 anyways?"

"I wanted to go on an early morning run."

"Like how you did with dad?"

"Yeah. I wanted to take you, I know how you always begged me to let you go with us but I always said no. I wanted to take you this time."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"It's okay. Maybe another time." Miguel took a few steps toward the door before turning around with a confused look on his face. "Where did you even go?"

"To this hill type thing."

"By yourself?"

You just shook your head, not wanting to answer this question, however, knowing your have to.

"With who then?"

"Ruel." You mumbled, hoping he'd not hear.

"Ruel?" He said cocking an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

You nodded.

"What did you guys do?"

"Miguel, too far."

"I swear to god. If you're not a virgin anymore. I will chase that boy down." Miguel said as he walked out of your room leaving you laughing at what he had just said.

"Meu Deus (my god)" you yelled continuing to laugh. You layed back down, grabbed your phone and texted Ruel.

You: got caught coming home :/

Ruel: wait for real ??

You: yeah :/

Ruel: are you in trouble ?? tell them it's my fault that it was all my idea

You: no don't worry. we're in the clear

Ruel: you sure ??

You: yeah don't worry.

You and Ruel continued texting until you fell asleep. You didn't want to, however you had gotten no sleep and you fell asleep by accident.

*Ruel POV*

He had realised you weren't texting back, he decided to text you one last text so you'd open it when you'd wake up later.

Ruel: i guess you fell asleep. we'll talk more later. see you monday :) btw i really had a good time on our adventure. we should do it again maybe not at 1 in the morning tho and maybe not get caught this time too ;) anyways i'll be at the studio. i'll call you later 💗


also just to clarify, miguel was joking about the virginity thing. it was a joke. i hope no one took it in the wrong way. i'm not the best at writing hopefully over time i'll improve :)

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