Chapter 21 (1/2)

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You didn't want to go home. You knew you'd fight with Miguel, he wouldn't listen. When he was mad information would go through one ear and come out the other. You should've told him earlier, you should have actually told him yourself. Instead he found out through you making out with Ruel in the halls during class time.

The last bell of the day rang dismissing all students. You stood up and headed straight to your locker. You grabbed the books you needed and rushed out of school. Hoping you'd get home before Miguel or at least off the campus before he'd see you.

"Fran!" Ruel exclained running catching up to you as you walked out of the doors. "I'm so sorry. I really am. I never meant to get you in trouble."

"It's okay. Don't worry. At least he knows now right?" you said smiling, but the smile didn't reach your eyes.

"Do you want me to dr-"

"Francisca. Get in the car." Miguel almost yelled. He was across the road, waiting in the parking lot. He had waited for you.

"It's okay. I'll call you." you said walking away, towards your brother. You knew what awaited, a lot of yelling. You walked straight past Miguel and opened the car door. Miguel entered and started the car, leaving the parking lot. The first few minutes were silent, he didn't speak. Which made everything worse because you'd much rather have him speak or even yell then simply be quiet. You preferred noise over silence.

"During class." he said. "During fucking class."

"I usually attend all my classes." you said more defensive than you should have been.

"Yeah. I fucking hope so. Do you know how hard mom worked for us to come here. To get us into a private school in fuxking Australia of all places. And you ditch classes for some boy."

"He's not some boy Miguel!"

"Oh what is he ? Huh? Your boyfriend ? Is that what you're going to say?" he questioned. You didn't answer.

"Oh my god." He said shaking his head clearly disapproving. "You're dating Mr Rockstar." mocking you. "He's going to leave soon. You can't handle a long distance relationship. You could barley handle leaving Ana."

"YOU ARENT THE ONE WHO CAN TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANT HANDLE." You yelled. "I needed him, he was there when I needed him." tears pricking your eyes.

"Needed him? Needed him for what ? You've barley known him for 3 months. Needed him are you joking."

"He was  more there for me than you ever were."

Miguel looked at you. Disappointment and hurt filling his eyes. That wasn't true and you knew it, Miguel had always been there. When your father had died you wouldn't even get out of bed. Miguel was the one who would come and bring you food. Miguel took care of you and your mother for months after he had passed. And you had just told him that he was never there. The car went silent again, no radio nothing.

"You're going to get hurt" he said quietly as he turned off the ignition. You took tour school bag and got out of the car.  You ran up to your room and called Ruel.

You: Hey

Ruel: Hey. Is everything thing okay?

You: Ruel. I don't wanna spend the night here. I'm just going to fight with Miguel more than I already have.

Ruel: Do you wanna come over? I can talk to my parents. They'd understand.

You: It's a school night.

Ruel: Yeah, but they'll understand. I can just say you're mother had to stay at work late and you didn't want to be home alone.

You: Are you sure?

Ruel: Yes. Of course. Do you want me to come pick you up?

You: I'll uber over.

Ruel: Okay. See you soon.

As soon as the call ended, you started packing an overnight bag for Ruels. You couldn't stay at home tonight. You knew how it would go. You would be at dinner and Miguel would make a snarky comment which would rile you up and you'd throw a tantrum. And you really didn't have the energy for all of that tonight. You ordered an uber and gathered your toiletries. Your phone pinged, the Uber was outside. You quickly wrote on a post it that you were spending the night at a friends. You had a project to work on. You knew if you texted it to her she'd talk you out of it and that really wasn't what you wanted.

You got into your Uber and texted Ruel to tell him you'd be there soon. In a matter of minutes you were infront of his house. You called him so he'd open the door and not his mother or father.

"Hey" he said smiling after opening the door.

"Hey" you said smiling back.

"My moms home but my father isn't yet." he said taking your bag out of your hand. You both walked in and Kate was in the kitchen. She looked up and was surprised to see you. "Hello." She said smiling. She was very pretty, you'd seen her in pictures but never in real life. She looked over at Ruel "You didn't tell me there'd be a friend joining us for dinner." She didn't seem mad at all, she seemed welcoming and warm.

"Mom actually can she spend the night? Her moms working late and she didn't want to be home alone."

"Of course she can. What's your name honey?"


"That's a gorgeous name. Ruel will show you the guest room. We'll eat dinner as soon as Ruels father gets home. Does that sound okay?"

"Yes, thank you very much Mrs, Van Dijk."

Ruel started going upstairs and walked towards his bedroom then stopped in his tracks.

"Do you wanna sleep in the guest bedroom?"

You shyly shook your head. "I'd much rather sleep in your room." you whispered.

"With me?" he questioned, playing dumb.

You nodded looking at your feet. Ruel chuckled and dropped the bags on the floor. He pulled you into a hug and swept you off your feet carrying you into his room. You started laughing and he dropped himself on the bed. Both of you laughing at this point.

"I'm glad you picked my room." he whispered as he smiled while kissing you on the forehead.

"Me too." you whispered.

"Ruel why are the-" Coco couldn't finish her sentence before noticing both you and Ruel on his bed. "Francisca! Nice to see you again." she said laughing.

"Hey" you said standing up and going over to shake her hand. Instead she pulled you into a hug.

You had seen her a second time when you were over, but she didn't know you and Ruel were dating. 

"I prefer hugging my brothers girlfriend." she said releasing you. Your eyes went wide, you looked over at Ruel "You told her?" you asked. You had both agreed to not tell anyone expect from your friends and Nate.

"No, but you just confirmed it." She said laughing. "And I kinda guessed it, first time I met you you were making out with my brother on our counter and here I catch you two in his bed."

"Whatever." Ruel said throwing his head down on the bed.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." You whispered slightly embarrassed tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Don't be. I'm glad Ruel's got a girlfriend. Maybe he'll start being nicer" Coco said jokingly which caused Ruel to simply lift his middle finger up in the air and you to laugh. "Anyways your bags are in the hall." She said walking out. You followed her out of the room and brought back your bags. You dropped them by the door and closed it this time.

"We really aren't discrete." You said to Ruel.

"We really aren't." he said laughing.

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