Chapter 19

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please tell me if you'd like more Francisca POV, Narrator POV or Ruel POV.

*Narrator POV*

That weekend you hadn't seen Ruel at all. He'd spend a lot of his weekends in studio writing and recording new songs. It had been almost three months and some weekends you would barley ever see Ruel. He trying to make another album before things got too hectic. You hadn't got the chance to talk to Ruel about the Mary situation, and you didn't want to do it over the phone. You would much rather do it in person. You had only found out Friday at lunch, since friday was a day off. You knew you weren't going to see him today, it was already 4pm on a Sunday. You would just talk about it at school.

*Francisca POV*

You had finished all of your homework and were ready to go to the shower. As you were undressing Ruels name popped up on your phone.

"Hey baby" he said lazily. You could hear he was tired.

"Hey" you said unconsciously smiling at how cute this boy was.

"Do you wanna go on a drive?"

"I'm about to get in the shower."

"Please" he begged. " I wanna see you." you knew he was pouting, you just knew it.

"Fine. But be here in 10 minutes." You missed him, the last time you'd seen him was Thursday night.

"I'll be there in 5."

"Noooo. I need to shower." you whined.

"I'll just wait outside."

"Okay. I'll make it quick, and just by the way. Miguel's home."

"When are we going to tell him?" Ruel asked, he wasn't annoyed but he just wanted to stop sneaking around your house. You were already sneaking around town.

"Ruel. Can we talk about this after?" you said quietly.


You ended the call and jumped in the shower. You barely had time to wash you hair properly. As you were getting dressed your phone pinged, Ruel was outside. You rushed, grabbed a few things and ran over to your mothers room.

"Mãe eu só preciso falar com un amigo. Eles estão fora. I'll be home soon. (Mom, I just need to talk to a friend. Theyre outside)" you said.

"Okay fofa. Don't get home too late." she replied, you kissed her on the cheek and ran downstairs. Miguel was on the couch watching TV. You grabbed the keys and headed towards the door.

"Pra onde vai ? (Where you going?)" Miguel asked without even looking at you.

"Just need to talk to someone." You replied and headed out. You were excited to see him. You opened the passenger seat and kissed him on the cheek. He was really the cutest boy ever.

"Hey" you said smiling from ear to ear. He really did bring out the best of you. You were always happy around him.

"Hey." he said smiling back, turning on the ignition. He looked tired, he was wearing grey sweatpants and a simple black shirt and his hair messy. He looked adorable.

"Did you get any sleep?" you asked.

"Yeah, a bit."

"Ruel." you said tilting your head. "Exams are soon. You need to get sleep and you need to study."

"I know, I know. But I don't wanna talk about that right now. How was your weekend?" he said placing his hand on top of yours.

"It was nice. Friday I got to eat with the girls. Then Saturday I studied and Sunday too."

" How was the lunch?" he asked looking at you smiling, knowing you were enjoying your time.

"It was good. Sunday told me something about you."

"Did she?" he said chuckling.

"Mary's your ex." you stated blankly.

"Yeah." he said quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me before ?"

"Well I didn't think it was important. Plus Mary's the closest thing you have to a Ana (Ana was your best friend in Portugal). I didn't want to potentially ruin your friendship over something from the past."

You didn't reply. You were thinking.

"Baby?" Ruel said looking over.

"Why did you guys end it?"

"Well we weren't right for each other. We weren't looking for the same thing. She was looking for long term and I wasn't sure what I wanted."

"Do you now?" you asked. As soon as you had said it you regretted it. It was too soon to tell, you had barely been together for 2 months. "Actually dont answer that." you blurted out.

"I can if you want." he said squeezing your hand lightly.

"Please don't." In all honesty, you hadn't thought about it yourself. You didn't know if you wanted long term.

"Why do we have to sneak around your house?" he asked looking over at you.

"It's Miguel." you said quietly

"What about Miguel. I've already met him, and i even see him in school. I've literally already been to you house"

"Yeah but you were there as a friend. Not as my boyfriend." Ruel smiled a little at use of the word boyfriend. He liked it.

" When are we going to tell him?"

"I don't know. Miguel's really overprotective. Family's off limits to him. Back in Portugal one of his friends tried getting with me and Miguel ended up punching him. I don't think they've spoken since." Ruel didn't answer. He just kept driving, he wasn't mad. You could see it in his eyes, there was no anger. Maybe a little bit of disappointment.

"I'm going on tour." he said changing the topic of conversation.

"Ruel, that's really good. Where ?" you asked glad he changed the topic but also genuinely interested in what he was gonna say.

"Well we're doing Australia and the US." you could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Are you doing one in Sydney? I wanna go."

"Yeah. We might even do two. But it mostly depends on the ticket sales. We might even have two shows in Sydney."

"Oh my god! I want to go to both." you said squeezing his hand tight, making him chuckle at your excitement.

"You will haha. Don't worry."

"When is it?"

"End of december."

"Ruel. We have exams then." you said slightly worried.

"I know. But I think I can handle it. If i study everyday after school and then on weekends I rehearse. Then I'm pretty sure it will work."

You didn't want to seem selfish, you felt like you didn't fit in his schedule. But you understood, singing was what he wanted to do. And it was just tour. It was all temporary.

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