Where are they going?

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Thomas' POV
I saw the women walked past all of us and stand in front of Y/N and Teresa's room,"And you must be Y/N and Teresa" she said,then she walked into the room and close the blinds,I wonder what does she want to do with them? Then suddenly a man walks in and stops in front of me "Thomas?" He said,I looked up,"Yeah?" I said,"Come with me please" he said,so I followed him to a small room and he told me to sit down and wait,so I waited for a minute and the door opens,"Thomas,thank you for seeing me,I'm so sorry for the inconvenience,I was just hoping we might get a moment to chat in private,away from the others" he said,then he pulls a chair from the corner and puts it in front of the table,"Well...I won't take up too much of your time,I really only have one question,what do you remember about WICKED? You're not in trouble,we're just having a conversation,I'm just trying to understand" he said,"Understand what?" I asked,"Whose side are you on?" He said,"I remember I used to work for WICKED,I remember that they sent me into the maze,I remember watching my friends die in front of me,I'm on their side..." I said,"Interesting,you say you used to work for WICKED,but they sent you into the maze,why would they do something like that?" He said,"I don't know,maybe you should've asked them before you killed them all" I suggested,"I'll be sure to keep that in mind" he said,"Enjoy the rest of your stay" he added while standing up,"That's it?" I asked,"Yeah,you've already told me everything I need to know,and your friends have all cleared,soon you'll all be moving on to greener pastures" he said,"Wait,others?" I asked,then he leads me to another big room,after the guard opened the door,I saw many peoples are here,just like us,but I wonder where are they came from,it feels like a canteen,peoples are eating,then Minho came out,"Hey,Thomas" he said,"Hey,Minho,what's going on?" I asked,"We weren't the only maze,come on" he said leading me to our group,"And there was this big,loud explosion,and these guys came out of nowhere,started shooting up the place" the boy said,"It was intense" the boy next to him said,"They pulled us out of the maze and brought us here" the first boy added,"What about the rest?" Newt asked,"The other people left behind in the maze,what happened to them?" He added,"I don't know,I guess WICKED still has them" the first said,then Newt and I looked at each other then back to boy,"How long you guys been here?" Newt asked,"Not long,just a day or two,the kid over there has been here the longest,almost a week" the first boy said,"His maze was nothing but girls" the second boy said,"Really?" Minho said,"Some guys have all the luck" the first boy said,"Good evening gentleman,ladies,you all know how this works,if you hear your name called,please rise in an orderly fashion,join my colleagues behind me,where they will escort you to the eastern wing,your new lives are about to begin" he said opening the board in his hand,"Connor,Evelyn,Justin,Peter,Allison,Squiggly" when the name 'Squiggly' is said out,all people laughed,"Alright settle down" Janson said,then he continue to say the names,"Franklin,and Abigail" he said,then he close his board,"Now,now,don't get discouraged,if I could take more,I would,there's always tomorrow. Your time will come. Go on,eat up" he said walking towards the way to...eastern wing,"Where are they going?" Minho asked,"Far from here...lucky bastards" the first boy said,"Some kind of farm,a safe place,they can only take in a couple of people at a time" the second boy said,then when I turn to my right,I saw Teresa and Y/N,'Where are they going?' I thought,"What the hell?" I whispered,loud enough for Minho and Newt to hear that,I stand up and follow the direction that they're going,"Hey,Teresa,Y/N" I said,but they didn't hear me,"Teresa,Y/N" I said again,then they turn to me,but never stop walking,I'm still following them,"Hey,hey" the guard said pushing slightly behind,"Where are they taking them?" I asked,"They just have to run a few more tests,don't worry,they'll be done with them soon" he said,"Are they okay?" I asked,"They're fine" he said...

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