What you mean for a while???

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Your POV
"Wow,then when will he comes back?" Thomas asks,I think for a while..."Actually...I don't know,I've told you about my dreams right? The precious one that I've dreamed,it's last night,and I saw he's alive,he moves his hand and stands up,I saw his eyes aren't black,but he walks like a crank,and when I call him,he seems like he didn't hear me,and it's like I'm invisible,I've called his name lots of times,but he still didn't response,I don't know what happened to him,but-" I got cut off by Thomas hugging,"Woah,where did that come from? Why are you hugging me?" I asks,"I'm so glad he's still alive...you know,I'm so worried about you two will be separated from heaven to the ground forever! But now,you two can be together again!!!" He says,I giggles,"Where did that idea come from? You silly Thomas! If you really love that person,that person's heart will be always with you even you're far away from that person" I says,"Ohhhhhh,true" he says,I giggles again,"Come on,get back to work already!" I says,"You too!!!!" He says,we laughs,I would like to see where it was...?
*time skip*
Minho's POV
It's night time now,I wonder what happened to y/n lately....Thomas told me about her,she has a split personality....
Suddenly a girl walks towards y/n and slaps y/n across the face,I could see y/n is looking at the girl,I look closely as well,it's Chloe... "Chloe? You're alive?" Y/n asks,"I just arrived here,I didn't die because an army picked me up and saved me,and they bring me here,I asked them where's Newt,they all said he died! Why!!! Why aren't you there to protect him!!! Why!!!" Chloe says slapping y/n face again,"Y/N!!!" I shouted running towards y/n,"STOP!" Y/n shouted at me,"But-" Chloe's slap cuts me off,"DON'T FOCUS ON ANYONE!!! ANSWER ME!!! WHY AREN'T YOU THERE!!!" Chloe shouted,"Because I ran to grab the cure for him..." Y/n says,"ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE TO GRAB THE CURE!!!" Chloe asks,"No..." Y/n says,Chloe slaps y/n again,"THEN WHY DON'T YOU STAY THERE AND TAKE CARE OF HIM!!!!" Chloe asks again,"Because I think I should bring him the cure myself..." Y/n says,"BUT YOU CAN'T!!! WHY!!! DID HE LEFT ANYTHING!!!!" Chloe asks,"DON'T TELL HER Y/N!!!" Thomas shouted,"THEN HE DID!!! WHERE THE HELL IS IT!!!" Chloe asks,I could see y/n smirks,"In the sea,bitch" y/n says,those words made my eyes widened,"WHAT??? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???" Chloe got angry,"I.SAID.IN.THE.SEA.BITCH!!!" Y/n shouted and slaps Chloe back,"Y/N!!!" Thomas shouted,then y/n looks at him,the place went silence,but the way y/n talks...is not the y/n we know..."Y/n,huh? Well,my name isn't y/n,but this body really is y/n...but my name is y/n/n,the closest friend to y/n" she smirks,who's this person in front of us??? "Uh...y/n/n,where's y/n?" Thomas asks,"Oh y/n? She's still inside,she told me to take care of this bitch before I wake her up again" she explained,then Chloe screamed and runs away from y/n/n,"Uh...now Chloe is gone,can you let y/n out now?" Thomas asks,"What are you talking about Thomas?" She asks,what??? "Y/n...can I ask you a question?" Thomas asks,I wonder how Thomas knows which one is y/n/n which one is y/n???? "Yeah?" She says,"Do you have a friend? Like...inside of you?" Thomas asks,"Uh...yeah..." She says,what is she talking about??? "What's her name then?" Thomas asks,"I don't know...y/n/n?" She says,"Huh? Split personality???" She asks,what's split personality??? I walked away from them,to get back to work....
-flashback ends-
"Minho?" Someone says behind,"Yeah?" I says,then he sits next to me,it's Thomas,"What are you doing here?" He asks,"Just thinking about y/n this afternoon..." I says,"Oh,her split personality?" He asks,"Yeah....how do you know about that split personality thought?" I asks,"Actually I don't know,maybe Teresa tought me before the maze? This is like a fever,which needs pills to hold it down,or tgat side of split personality will get worse,because it's another human,who will learn and think,if that personality knows how to take over that original person's body,that personality will trap the original personality inside and never let it out,forever..." He explains,"Wow,klunk,then why don't you tell Teresa to give her pills???" I asks,"I want to,but she says it's her friend,so she doesn't want it to disappear...and because I think that friend is important to her,so I didn't pull her to Teresa..." He explains,"Looks like you need to keep an eye on her bro" I says,"Yeah,just for a while..." He says,"What you mean for a while???" I asks...

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