Strange dream

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Your POV
Last night I have another dream about Newt...I don't know what's that about,like when did that happened,the place isn't The Last City anymore,it's the Glade,we had fun in the dream...and it seems so real,like I've experienced it before,like some flashback,but why can't I remember when I'm still in the Glade...?
I walk inside this place,a place which I could it my home,well,the people who live here isn't really my family,they're not my father,and not my mother,I think they're my brothers,because they cares about me,taking care of me like a sister,and Teresa,who's really my big sister,well,she's really funny,she told all the gladers here to take care of me like a sister,who's doing his best to be my best brother,is Newt,because he always follows me everywhere even he had jobs to do,that why Alby always said he's overprotective,he's trying to be me best brother,hah,that's funny,and he's really cute as well,today I don't have any jobs to do,so I could help the builders,why the builders not Newt? Well I really wants to help Newt but you know,some accident happened last night,burnt the tree house,Alby really needs the tree house because he must show the greenies of the whole Glade,I understand how important it is to show the whole Glade,because when you look at the Glade on the ground,it seems so big,but when you go up the tree house to look,it's so small,but it could let us all live here,a comfortable place we all lives in,where we could eat,where we could sleep,where we could work,where we could do anything! Just like your own house,well,if I really could get out of this place,I really wants to find my own house,where I used to live in,where my life started in,I really wants to visit it,because it's been a long time...that I've left that place...but if I don't stick to The Right Arm,I maybe will be infected...The Right Arm? What's The Right Arm though? And...infected? Infect what? Is there...a virus that we're hiding from right now? I...don't have a single memory about these...ah!!!! My head...when I wants to think hurts my head...I guess...I have to give hurts like hell..."Y/n?" Someone says,"Y-yeah...?" I says weakly,"Are you alright?" He asks,"Yeah,why?" I says,"You seems painful...are you really don't need to go to the med-jacks?" He asks,"No..." I says,"Okay then...let's go up and finish the top of tree house" he says before walking off,I climb up to the top and help putting the woods in the middle of the top,and use some ropes to hold the whole thing still,when I look at the ground on the top of tree house,my head hurts again...this time hurts much more...and the view blurry...I can't even stand still...I think I'm gonna...past...out........
Newt's POV
I just finished the jobs about the garden,I don't have any extra jobs to do so I decided to help the builders,and y/n,because of the tree house,which is important to Alby,I think I have to help build this back to normal is important to be a second-in-command,because I'm the only second-in-command who needs to help Alby about the Glade,not just watching the gladers work,oh well,when I walk towards y/n,I looks at her face,she seems so painful,"Y/n?" I says,"Y-yeah?" She says,"Are you alright?" I asks,"Yeah,why?" She says,"You seems painful...are you really don't need to go to the med-jacks?" I asks,"No..." She says,maybe she's really okay...I'm just too worried,"Okay then...let's go up and finish the top of tree house" i says before walking off to climb up to the top of this tree house,I helped them to hold the woods still,makes the top perfect like before,when I looks at y/n,she isn't standing still,when I walk towards her,she is leaning towards the edge,"Y/N!!!!!!" I shouted while running towards her,I can't catch her in time...she...fell on the ground...with her head bleeding...the tears are forming in my eyes...why can't I bloody protect her...why can't I bloody catch her in time!!! I'M THE WORST BROTHER EVER!!!!!!! WHY!!!!
*time skip*
She has been sent to the med-jacks...for...three hours...and I've been sitting here...beside her...for three hours...I've already sat here when she's laying here...she's laying on this bed...with the bandages on her head...the med-jacks told me she always have to change the bandages everyday,so I'll be help changing the bandage...I'm sorry y/n...
Don't worry,the dream is not over yet!;)

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