I wonder why I need to do it...?

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Okay,I don't know if this is gonna go to seventy parts,but I think it would be over sixty parts,and I want it to be end in a normal number like seventy,eighty,ninety,or even one-hundred,but I don't think there will be a hundred parts but I'm trying to;) Alright,start reading guys;)
Minho's POV
I could see y/n's probably miss Newt so much,why? Because she always looks at that whistle I found in Thomas' pocket,I've asked Thomas about it,he said it's from Newt,he said he opened the whistle and see a letter that's for her,so he put it back into the whistle and gave it to her,Thomas think that whistle deserves to a owner who's the closest one to Newt,so he gave it to her,and I remember that Thomas told me that Newt always have a bracelet on his hand,I've noticed it before the day when we got out of the maze,it's beautiful,it's with some flowers around it,so I think it's from y/n,she made it for him,I admit I think they're a cute couple,but now they have to be separated from heaven and the ground,it's not only y/n misses Newt,as friends,we all miss him,who would not miss him? Don't you notices we're happier when Newt's around? Newt's the glue who held us all together,and he always fixes everyone,but himself...
Thomas' POV
We miss you my friend,we all miss you,I can't believe he just pasted away with a 'Thank you'...why??? Why you have to left your friends? And your girlfriend? Come back Newt...your girlfriend miss you...I think you took her smile and happiness with you when you fly to heaven...come back Newt...y/n will definitely smile if she sees you...
Your POV
I'm in my bed,try not to cry,try not to remember that Newt is already gone,and try not to remember anything about our time....I just close my eyes and drift off to sleep...
I opened my eyes and realize I'm laying on the ground,I look to my side and see fire everywhere,allot of bricks are on the ground,I walked out of where I laid,walk around this place,this seems familiar...looks like...The Last City...wait...I'm in The Last City???? Then...who am I??? I looked back where I laid,and see Newt's body,I walk towards him and try to wake him up,"Newt? Newt,are you alive?" I asks,but he still didn't response,but I could see his veins are all gone,his eyes are all clear,I left his shirt to see his hands,I see his right hand where infected the most is almost all healed,but I know the bullet went through his head...so I don't think he could be still alive,I look around if there's anything I could help him,like drive a helicopter to go near him,for him to come to the save haven if he's still alive,then I suddenly saw a helicopter is parked right up at the top of a lots of bricks,like it's parked on the tower but the tower collapse on the ground,surprisingly the helicopter is like nothing damaged it,it's still all good,I walked into it and learn to fly it,after a while I think I've learnt how to fly this thing,I found some papers on the helicopter,so I wrote down all the instructions of how to fly this helicopter,then I parked it near the station where Newt is still laying there,I stick those papers on the walls in the helicopter,not leaving my name,then suddenly I heard a familiar voice saying my name,"Y/n! Wake up!!!" It says then everything is gone,then I open my eyes and see Thomas,"What?" I asks in a sleepy voice,"Dinner is ready! Come on!" He says,then I get up and walk to eat dinner,I need to talk to Teresa about it after we ate,"Teresa?" I says,"Yeah?" She says,"Can I tell you something?" I asks,"Sure" she says,"Look,I know it's stupid and I know it won't happen,but please listen to me okay?" I says,"What will make you think that way? Nothing about you is stupid!" She says,"Thank you,okay,I just have a little nap in the afternoon,and I have a dream that I'm back in The Last City,and I walk out of the station where Newt died,and I found a helicopter on top of a pile of bricks,and I climbed it,I got into the helicopter and learn how to fly it,then I wrote all the instructions down the papers I found in the helicopter and stick them all on the walls in the helicopter,then I parked the helicopter about ten feets away from the station...is it stupid??? But I wonder why I need to do it...?" I explains...

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