Outside the walls

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Thomas' POV
The cranks are coming,Fry saw them for a second and get back into the car,"Fry what are you doing? It's time to go! Come on!" I says,"Shit..." Newt says,because his shotgun fell out of his pocket when we crash,"Fry,come on!!!" I says,"WAIT!!! I ALMOST GOT IT!!!" Fry shouted,but the crank is so freaking close to us,then suddenly Fry rush out of the car and shoot the crank,"Nice shot Fry" I says,"Thanks" he says,"but there's some cranks are coming,"We gotta go come on!!!Fry,come on let's go!" I says,we ran for a few seconds and we see there's a lot of cranks in front of us,then we turn around and saw the cranks are already close to us,"Watch out!!" Fry says walking towards them for a few feets,then he started to shoot them,"Fry,you got them?" I asked,"Yeah!" He says,"Okay,this way this way!!!" I says,then I see the cranks are surrounded the exit,"Okay,other way other way!!!" I says running backwards and turn around,"I'M OUT!!!" Fry says,"Shit!!!" I says,the cranks are coming closer,this is it...then we suddenly heard a car coming rolling down the cranks,then Brenda gets on top of the car and starts to shoot the cranks,"GET IN!!!" She shouted still shooting the cranks,we all got into the car,"GO JORGE GO!!!" I shouted,then we're out of the tunnel,"I'm impressed,you guys almost lasted a whole day!" Jorge says,"You good?" I asked Newt,"Yeah" he says,then Brenda turn to us,didn't say a thing,"I'm sorry,I didn't want to bring you guys into this" I says,then Brenda looks at Jorge,Jorge looks at us,"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us" Fry says,"You're welcome" Brenda says,"Hey,don't get your hopes up,that checkpoint right there,that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun,chances ate the city is,too" Jorge says,"Yeah,unless they figure out some other ways to keep the cranks out" Newt says looking out of the window,then Jorge stopped the car,we all got off the car and look,there's massive walls around the whole city,"Funny,spent three years trapped behind walls,trying to break out,and now we wanna break back in" Newt says,"Yeah,it's hilarious" Fry says,"Jorge,how do we get in?" I asked,"Don't look at me hermano,those walls are new,I think that's WICKED's answer for everything" Jorge says,"Well,we ain't gonna figure it out from up here,let's go" Brenda says getting back to the car,then Jorge get back in the car too,"You really think Minho and Y/N is in there?" Newt asked,"I guess we'll find out" I says,"You know she's gonna be there too" he says,I looked at him and back to the city,then we get back into the car and Jorge starts driving...
*time skip*
We arrived at The Last City,we are outside the walls that is surrounded the city,and there's a lot of people here,working,doing some demonstration,but they looks like they wants to get into the city too,"This place has really gone through hell" Jorge says,"We just gotta stay together" I says,then we heard a voice,"We are the voice of the voiceless! They hide behind their walls,thinking they can keep the cure for themselves,while they watch the rest of us wither and rot! But there are more of us than there are of them. And I say,we rise up and take back what is ours! Let's bring back a victory!" The voice continues,but a guard who's sitting on the back of the car looks at me,I don't know why he's looking at me,but it seems like...WICKED found us...then I look up at the sky and see some drone sweep flying on the sky,yeah,those are WICKED's guards,then we followed the peoples to a opening,where they gather around and doing demonstrations,"LET US IN!!!" The people shouted,looks like where they're gonna get in,is right here,"That's it,that's our way in" I says,"LET US IN! LET US IN! LET US IN!" The people shouted,"Thomas!!! This is not what you're looking for. All these people trying to find their way in,you think you're gonna find something they can't?" Jorge says,"We came this far,I'm not turning back now" I says...
Newt's POV
Where the bloody hell are we? Why Thomas is still walking towards to the front? "What the hell did we get ourselves into?" Fry says,when I'm still walking,I looked behind me make sure there's nobody is following us,but there is,a guard is behind me,about a few feets away,then I look at my right and see two more guards are walking towards our direction,bloody hell,then I walk more faster to tell them,"Guys!!! We gotta go now! Look!!" I says,then they turn around and see the guards are coming close,then suddenly we heard some machine sounds coming from behind,the place went silence...

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