Chasing by them

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Your POV
"Let's pack some of these stuff up,anything you think you might need. We'll split up,see what we can find,meet back here" Thomas said,"Wait,Thomas" Newt said,then Newt throw Thomas a flashlight,Teresa and I walked together,to find something we might need,"Y/N" Teresa said,"Here" she added and give me a flashlight,"Thanks" I said,then we continue to see if there's something we need,like clothes,water bottles...something like that,Newt and Fry are behind us,they found a backpack,they're searching the things which is in the backpack,me and Teresa is still finding some clothes,then suddenly Teresa breaths heavily,"What's wrong?" I asked,"Nothing,just scared by this" she said pointing at the dressing doll with a nasty face,looks like it was damaged by somebody,"You okay in there?" Newt asked,"Yeah,we're alright" I said,"Come on,we don't have much time to search,there,there's some clothes,maybe we could find some clothes to fit" I suggest,she nodded,there's a lot of clothes on the table,so we got some and stand behind a big board to change,after we changed we walk out and find anything like a backpack or something we need,we both found a backpack three minutes later,then we search for something we can put into the backpack...
*Time Skip*
We found all the things we need,and walk back to where Thomas wanted us to wait,"Where's Thomas?" Teresa asked,"I don't know" Aris said,then a voice shouted from behind,"RUN!!!!!!",then we all looked at the direction where the voice come from,"GO!!!!RUN!!!!!!!" It's Thomas,"Shit!" Newt said,then we all started to run towards to way where is save,I don't know what is going on,but I just know I have to run,"GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!" Minho shouted,"THOMAS,MINHO,WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS?!?!?!" Fry shouted,"I DON'T KNOW,JUST KEEP MOVING!!!!" Thomas shouted,we all go up the escalator,trying to get away from those crazy things that run so freaking fast like normal human does,when we all on the top of the escalator,another one comes in front of us,that things runs towards us then Aris runs towards it,"ARIS! NO!!!" Thomas shouted,Aris avoided its hand and use his flashlight to hit its leg,this cause it to trip down on the floor,we all go around it and get on another escalator as fast as we can,"GO AROUND!!!!" Thomas shouted,to get the others go to the other escalator,"TERESA!!!!!" I shouted,she's so close to those things,I grabbed her hand and pulls her up the escalator,try my best to get her as far away from them as I can,we successfully got in the hallway and a bit far away from those things,"WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING?????" Minho asked,"WE GOTTA FIND A WAY OUTTA HERE!!!!" Thomas said,then I suddenly heard glass break sound,"GUYS!!!! HELP!!!!!" Newt shouted,I turn around and see that thing is on top of Newt,"NEWT!!!!!" The boys shouted,"Shit!!!!" I said,then I run to Newt and quickly kick that thing off him,"Newt,you okay?" I said,"Yeah,I'm alright,thanks Y/N" Newt said,"You're welcome,let's keep moving" I said,then we catch up the others and keep running,"Through here!! They're coming!" Thomas said,then we all run into a long narrow hallway,and there's many doors,Thomas try to open them one by one,then he finally found one,"IT'S A DEAD END!!!!!!" Minho shouted,"GET US OUTTA HERE,THOMAS!!!" Newt shouted,"THIS ONE!!!!" He shouted and keeps kicking the door,"I'LL HOLD THEM BACK!!!" Winston shouted,and grabbed a gun out to shoot those things to hold them down,"HARDER!!!" Minho shouted,"GET THAT DOOR OPEN!!!!!!!" Winston shouted,"FRYPAN! LET'S GO!!!!!" Minho shouted,"EVERYONE THROUGH,COME ON!!!!!!" Thomas shouted,we all got through the door,and Winston is behind,Winston try his best to run to us,but those things grabbed him,Newt and Fry is pulling Wiston back to us,those things are just like monsters,they crawl open Winston's chest,"COME ON!!!! HURRY!!!!" Aris shouted,so we all run towards that exit,Minho and Thomas is still holding that door behind,after a while of running,we finally found a place under a big rock to hide in,"Alright come on,have some sleep guys" Thomas whispered,we all nodded and found a place for ourselves to sleep,everyone is asleep,accept me,I'm still thinking if those things will find us or not,or WICKED will find us,then I heard some backpack noise from behind,I turn around and see Newt,"What are you doing?" He whispered,"I can't sleep,so I'm just thinking" I whisper back,"Come here" he whispered again,so I make my way next to him,and lay down,"Goodnight Y/N" he whispered,"Goodnight Newtie" I whisper back smiling and close my eyes...

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