Back to normal

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Newt's POV
I didn't eat anything,but I'm not hungry at all,I'm still in the Deadheads,knees up to my chest,my arms wrapped around it,still afraid of what will happen to Y/N,and 3 days has already pasted,Minho and Thomas sometimes will come here and ask me if I want some food or water,like I said,I'm not hungry or thirsty,I still miss Y/N,I want her to be awake,I want her beautiful Y/E/C eyes opened,and just walk towards me and say 'Good morning' to me in the morning,say 'Good night' to me at night before going to sleep,I miss her voice,I just...I miss her so much...when I'm still thinking of Y/N,I heard someone is running towards me,from behind,"Newt,get up,now" it's Minho,I looked up,"No,Minho,I don't wanna eat or drink,I'm not hungry or thirsty,and I'm not getting up until Y/N's awake you know that" I said,"I know,but could you just come with me for a second?" He asked,"No,Minho,if you want me to get up,just tell me the reason why I have to get up" I said,he let out a sigh,"Y/N's awake okay? Just come and see her,her fever's gone" he said,my eyes went wide after he said that,"What? You serious??" I said getting up,then I just run as fast as I can to the Med-jacks huts...
*ten minutes earlier*
Your POV
My head hurts like hell...what happened...I slowly opened my eyes and just look around,I'm in a room,I think I'm in the Med-jacks hut,then I saw someone came in,it was Minho,"Is she awake?" He asked before coming in,then I realized that a med-jack is sitting next to the bed,"OMG,Y/N,you're finally awake! How you feeling?" He asked me,"Um...nothing,just my head hurts like hell...but wait,how many days I've been pasted out?" I asked,"Three days" he said,"What? Three days? By the way where's Newt?" I asked,Minho let out a big sigh before he speaks,"Well,that stupid shank thinks he lost you,so he hid himself crying in the Deadheads as long as you pasted out,and he didn't eat or drink anything,I really don't know what is this shank thinking about,*another sigh* alright,Y/N,you get some rest,I'll get Newt" he said,"Okay,thanks Min" I said,then he walks out of the room...
*5 minutes later*
My head is too hurt,so I decided to close my eyes for a while,rest a little bit before they came back,then I heard a door opens...
Newt's POV
I'm standing in front of the Med-jack hut's door,I just want to catch my breath for a second,then I opened it,what I saw is not Y/N's eyes opened,her eyes are closed,"Minho,are you lying to me?" I said to Minho,"No,I'm not,I talked to her five minutes ago" he said,then Y/N opened her eyes,"Newt" she said,"Y/N...I miss you so much...I'm glad you're okay now..." I said tearing up,I walk towards her and hugged her,a few seconds later she pulled away,then a tear escaped my eye,"Newt,sh......why are you so stupid? Why don't you eat or drink? You're so skinny! Skinner then before!" She said wiping my tear away,"Minho,get this skinny boy food" she said to Minho,"Yes,Ma'am" he said,then he walked out of the room,"What are you guys playing? Ordering food?" I said with a giggle,"Maybe I guess" she said with a giggle,god her giggle is so cute "Y/N,how you feeling?" I asked if she's alright,"Yeah,but my head just hurts so much" she said,"Okay then,you have to rest more after this" I said, she nodded,"I miss you Y/N" I whispered pulling her into a hug,"I miss you too Newtie" she said,I smiled when she called me 'Newtie',that's cute,then we pulled away,she looked tired,"Y/N?" I said,"Yeah?" She said,"You tired?" I asked,"Maybe...yeah..." She said,then she yawned,"Okay,come on,lay down,and get some sleep,maybe your head will be better after your sleep" I said,she nodded and lays down,then I decided to go out for not interrupting her sleep,so I stand up,want to walk towards the door,then suddenly Y/N grabbed my hand,it makes me to look at her,"Stay with me please?" She said with puppy eyes,I smiled,"Alright,just go to sleep my little lady" I said sitting back down the chair next to the bed,then she smiled and closed her eyes,she looks so peaceful in her sleep,well however,I'm glad she's back...
*ten minutes later*
Minho came back with food,he came in with a noisy-door-opening,lucky that didn't wake Y/N up,then I put a finger in front of my lips to tell Minho to be quiet,he mumbled,'Is she asleep?' I nodded,'I have food,come out and eat' he mumbled again,I nodded again,then we came out of the hut and went to the table where we eats,"Well,I can't believe she can still sleep that peaceful with the noisy sound from the door" Minho said,"Yeah,me either" I said,"Oh well,it's good to see you and Y/N back to normal though" he said,I nodded,then I eat my food and talk to Minho,I'm glad everything back to normal too...

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