What the hell was that about?

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Thomas' POV
*Time skip*
It was three o'clock in the morning when I climbed into the vents following Aris,I can't sleep with all that things happened last night,and I have thinking all of those things that Aris showed me,and now it's dinner time,which means that Janson will pick kids to go to that weird place,and never come out again,I have to take a closer look in that room with Aris and figure out what the hell is going on...
*time skip*
I told all of the boys about what's happening in here,but they didn't have any responses of what I saw from following Aris to see what the hell had happened,then now we just arrived the canteen,and see the others are already started eating,they're all talking and eating like normal,but I can't be that normal,because there's something going on in here,I don't know what the hell will happen to the kids who got picked,I have thinking of how to get in that stupid room,then I got an idea,"Okay,now just don't caught any attentions to ourselves and just act normal alright?" Minho said,they all nodded accept me,I'm still thinking of when do I have to take action of my plan,but after we sat down for about five minutes,Janson came into the canteen,he's here to pick kids,if I don't take action now,I won't have another chance,so after Janson picked all the kids he want to pick,they all started to walk into the hallway which leads to the eastern wing,I stand up and follow them like I was picked,but then I stopped by the guards,"Woah hey,you weren't called" the guard said,"I know,I'm just gonna be a second" I said and try to get through,"This is a restricted area,kid" he said again,"I just wanna see my friend,can you let me through?" I said,"Get your ass back in that chair" he said with a serious face,then I just turn back and walk a few steps away from those guards,then a voice came into my head,"Just remember,you are always being monitored.Breaking the rules..." Then I suddenly turns back and run towards them again tries to get through,"BACK OFF!!!!" The guard shouted while pushing me away,"What's your problem man?" He added,"What the hell huh?" I said,and I tried to get through again,"BACK OFF!!!!" He said again and push me away again,then my friends are here and pulls me away,"Why don't you let me see her?" I said,"Control your friend!" The guard said to my friends,then Janson ran to here and stand between us,"What's happening here?" He asked look back to the guards then turn back to me,"Thomas?I thought we could trust each other" he said,then he put his hand on my shoulder,"You know we're all on the same team here" he said,"Are we?" I asked,"Get them back to their bunks" he said,then the guards forces us to go back to our room,"GET YOUR ASSES IN THERE! ALL OF YOU!!!" The guard who force us to go back said,then he locked the door again,"What the hell was that about?" Minho asked me,"You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" Newt asked me,"Nah,of course I didn't" I said,then I show them the key card that I stole from the guard who I argued with,"I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door" I said,"Right" Newt said in disbelief,"Newt they're hiding something,these people are not who they say they are,you remember that I told you about those kids who had picked by them? They all will go into that room,and never comes out,I'm not finding it out for escaping,I'm just trying to find out if Y/N and Teresa were picked just like the other kids,we'll have to find them fast" I said,I know Newt is worried about Y/N,just like me,worrying about Teresa,"You're right,but Thomas,you don't know that,what if you're wrong? Then we'll be the next one to be picked,you have already drew the attention to you and all of us,maybe they will think that we have to be the next target,I know you want to save them,you're worried about Teresa,and I'm worried about Y/N too,but the only thing we do know is that they helped rescue us from WICKED,they gave us new clothes,they gave us food,they gave us a proper bed,some of us haven't had that in a long time" Newt said,"Yeah,but-" before I could say the whole sentence,Newt interrupted me,"Some of us a longer than others" he said,I have no words,but then the vent door flew out and Aris comes up...

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