just some information before we start

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W H O    A M    I ?

I'm rewriting this introduction because it was shit. 

My name is Nina! I write fanfiction on here but am currently writing an original novel which is exciting. I'm a part of many fandoms, my main ones being:

- taron egerton/his works

- finn wolfhard/stranger things

- newt/the maze runner (this was the first fandom I wrote for AND the first time I tried serious writing out of school)

I have a fan account for Taron where I write imagines that are meant to be a joke. They're really fucked up hahaha you should read my book on here 'rocketman imagines' because I also post them there. 

Small thing guys! I like to swear. It's a problem. I can't seem to contain myself as you will see in my writing. If you don't like that sorry but it's too late to go back and change them all. 

R E Q U E S T S !

I write them! PM them to me! Leave them in the comments! Whatever! I love getting requests so go ahead hahaha!

R E Q U E S T       G U I D E L I N E S


I reserve the right to refuse a request if it has any of the things mentioned here that I won't write for.

Things I'm cool with writing:

- fluff/angst/hurt & comfort

- all pronouns and genders

- first person and third person

- AUs

Things I'm not cool with writing:

- anything underage

- abuse, assault, rape

- self harm/suicide


At this moment I haven't written smut before and I am not super comfortable with that yet. I have been thinking about branching out and trying it recently but I won't be posting anything until I am sure it's okay and I'm not completely fucking it up. So no requests for that at this point in time. I will update this when/if I ever start writing it though. 

If you're going to request something please make sure it includes the following information:

- What POV (e.g Taron's or yours)

- Whether you want it first person or third person or classic fanfiction. 

first person: I walked down the street

third person: Y/N walked down the street

classic fanfiction: You walk down the street.

- if you want me to leave out swearing etc. 

Requests will take about a week, if it's going to be longer I will give you warning beforehand. 

That's pretty much all the information you need to know before reading, if you did in fact read this lmao.

So enjoy! My writing will steadily get less shitty I promise I'm really self deprecating also that's another thing you should know about me hehe. 

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