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Han/Kang Yunha's POV

The hug doesn't last long, I pulled away with a tears in our eyes. I clear my throat and stood up.

"I should g-get going, don't forget to drink your medicine." I said and was about to walk out to his room.


"Don't leave me."

I stop on my track as I still stood there not knowing what to do. "Daniel, stop." I said and leave from his house with Yeonwoo.


Kang Daniel's POV

I tilted my head and sigh. "I just hope you'll be happy in future Yunha." I mumble and get back to sleep.


"daniel! are you now strong, fine or what?!" Jaewhan came to me while hitting my arms and muscles. I chuckle and push him away making him stumble. "ah! your too strong!" He said and glared at me.

"that's it." I said.

"so any appointment?" He ask.

"I'm going to visit Yeonwoo." I simply said and smile for no reason. "pft... Yeonwoo? or is it Yunha?" Jaewhan mock. I hit his arms and glared at him.


"dad, let's play!" Yeonwoo drag me to his room. He let me sit on the floor and gave me his cars. "Let's get in race!" Yeonwoo shout.

time pass

"yeonwoo, go to bed." Yunha came and arrange Yeonwoo's toy's. "I'll do it." I said and grab the toy from her hand. She nod and held Yeonwoo's hands.



"I want to sleep with you." Yeonwoo said while I was still arranging the toy's. "alright baby." Yunha simply said. I get up and turn around to them, Yeonwoo look at me and smile cutely.

"Mom, I also want to sleep with Dad!" Yeonwoo exclaimed happily.

"but Yeonwoo, Dad will go to work early in the morning and he don't have any clothes here." Yunha said trying to find some reason to avoid me.

Yeonwoo pout and look at me. "come." He grab Yunha's hand and my hands too. He drag us to Yunha's wide room. I act like I was confuse but inside I was really happy.

"Dad, are you busy tomorrow?" Yeonwoo ask. I look at Yunha who was pleased, I shake my head and smile at Yeonwoo. "ah-" Yunha was about to sigh but she stop when she realised that we are here.

Yeonwoo lay on the bed and pull Yunha's hands. She also lay on the bed with her arms around Yeonwoo, "dad, come." Yeonwoo aaid and pull my hands to lay beside him.

Yeonwoo put our hands around him as Yunha try to move her hands so she can't touch mine. So, I planned. I grab her hands intertwining it together from her.

Yeonwoo kissed both our cheeks and that's we slept together.

I want this, forever.




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