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Thank you for all the readers who read my stories, voted it and left your comments and thank you for all of my followers.

This is my sixty fan fiction in Wattpad and I'm so happy about it.

This story is going to be little different one. We would have read many stories in which the boy would force the girl to marry him not considering about her feelings. He would use him influence, blackmail her and make her as his.

How it would be if a girl does the same thing to a boy? In this story we are going to see an arrogant girl who falls in love with a simple boy and wanted to get him by hook and crook.

A small teaser

"You cannot force me?" Abhi said furiously to Pragya who was sitting in her chair and drinking coffee without minding his talk. "I'm asking you something dammit"

"I didn't force you wanted. You only made me to force you" Pragya said walking towards him. "I said I love you but you rejected me, so I did this"...

"I will not marry you" Abhi said firmly.

"Let us see" Pragya said with a smirk and she pecked in his lips and went from there...
"Finally see, I got married to you. From now on you are mine." Pragya said with a victorious smile..

"You would have married me, but you cannot get my love. Never ever" Abhi said with anger flaming in his face...

Once I complete "Will you accept me?" I would start it.

I hope you all like this concept...
Please say me whether to continue this or not.

Read it, if you like please vote me and leave your comments..

Thank you


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