Episode 1 new campers

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There were three kids in the bus they are siblings their was one girl who was angry her name is Roxanna, but everyone calls her Roxy she was staring at the window with her headphones on it was white and peach color in the sides she had her hands inside her pocket sweater her sweater had an Adidas sign on it she wore black sweat pants and black shoes she had short hair and braided on the side of her ears she was super mad. Their was one person who was sleeping on her lap his name is Juan he had like a darkish reddish color on his sleeves and a white color on his hoodie and a yellow shirt under neath that hoodie he wore black sweatpants too and black and white shoes he had his hair was half long and half was cut off and about to grow a bit it's a long story for him, and the girl sitting alone in a seat was Olivia, but people call her Olive she had a sad face on, but she is trying to put a happy face on she had a white jacket with black stripes on the sides she had a yellow shirt on she had a black skirt with black leggings and white boots with black stripes she likes to match she has a since of fashion on her side, she was happy to go to camp, but Roxy wasn't she and Juan are only there for a punishment.
once they got there the guy with a hook said " New kids are here" Roxy woke up Juan and put her headphones away and the three got up, their was a tall guy with red hair with green eyes and a happy smile on his face and all know he might be the camp counselor and their was another camp counselor bet next to him she had brown hair with purple eyes and looks like she hates her job next to them were three kids one had black poofy hair with aqua eyes and has a blue hoodie their was also a girl with green hair pink eye and looks like she's gonna explode next to her was a tall kid with brown hair a yellow turtle neck and is a nervous wreak.

David came too greet them"Hello you must be Olivia, Roxanna, and Juan"

Once they saw them they saw the rest of the camp with all the campers wreaking the place Once they saw Roxy said "Nope" by trying to walk away to the bus, but Olivia grabbed her by the back of her sweater Roxy said "Dammit" and give her a look and face back to them.

David said "Okay... welcome to camp Campbell I'm David your camp counselor that's Gwen your other camp counselor and that's Max, Nikki, and Neil " he said with a happy face.

Max said "Yeah welcome to hell" with sarcasm David looked at him unamused

"Thank you genius" said Roxy with a sarcastic voice Olivia shoulder bumped her Roxy yelled"WHAT".

David was confused "Okay so let's go check out the camp kids" said David with an unamused voice and then a cheerful voice they all follow and saw their tent first David said "First off is the tent one of you two have too share"

"I call Juan" "I call Roxy" Roxy and Juan said

" seriously" said Olivia with an unamused voice

Roxy looked at her angrily and said " HEY, you know what you did" they went inside and put their stuff in there by that they throw their bags at the beds they chose.

When Roxy said that to Olivia all of them look at them and at each other confused. Once they were done with that they went inside the mess hall

David said " This is the mess hall this is were you will eat here for the summer"

"Yeah and the food is shitty" says Max
David look at him unamused.

"So it's just like the school cafeteria huh the food is still shitty" said Roxy

Juan looked at her and says " Yeah seriously even the pizza is shitty and they order it from Pizza Hut how is that even possible is school that depressing"

Roxy looked at him and said "You do know they order it on Monday and serve it on Friday right"

Just looked at her shocked and said "Really! wait if they can order pizza how come they can't get us good food the pizza must cost like $14 COME ON!"

Roxy looked at him to make a point "uh.... Holy shit nuts your right"

Once they got outside David said " Now out her is where you'll do your camp activity's

" There's extreme sports camp, magic camp, theater camp, other magic camp, art camp, and many more" said Gwen with a unhappy voice

Olivia said "How much more" Olivia wondered

" Many more" Gwen said in an unhappy voice

" Well that settles it I'm just gonna, wait did you say art camp?" Wondered Roxy

Gwen said " yes..." She wondered

"Welp I'm gonna take a canvas, paint, something to put the paint in, brushes and a cup of water and some napkins okay a lot of napkins oh and a sketch book and pencils plus erasers and take it to my tent because I can" said Roxy like she's her own boss

Juan raised his hand and said "do you guys have a goalie box any where" wondered Juan

"Yes young Juan there is a goalie box right there" said David

Juan was happy and said "Roxy do you want to play soccer with me" asked Juan to Roxy

Roxy answered his question and said "You just read my mind Juan" and so they ran off to the goalie box

Olivia went inside her tent to put her stuff in, but someone entered her tent it was Max " Oh hey Max was it? Said Olivia

Max said " Yup and Olivia was it?" Olivia nodded yes and Max said" Yeah so listen you look like you look so easy to manipulate"

Olivia was confused and said " what?"

"Yup so listen your going to do as I said and your gonna do it" Olivia nodded a no at him and Max threaten her " No? okay listen if you don't do as I say I will make you life a living hell here and I will get you in trouble deal" Olivia was scared so she nodded yes at Max and said " Good see you tomorrow" he gave her and evil look at her and left.

Olivia stayed in her tent for the rest of the day and got scared of what Max said and thought to herself * This is going to be a horrible summer*.

Okay this is getting scary for her what will Olivia do find out in the next chapter of Camp Camps new Campers

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