Cookie sale

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Sasha, Erin, and Tabii we're sitting in a table trying to get the people to buy their cookies

"Flower scout cookies get them while their fresh" said Sasha

"Ugh why isn't anyone buying our cookies?" Said Erin

"Yeah the last time we did this was when those loser scouts sells all their popcorn and we had to go to Mexico" said Sasha

"Ugh, ooh wait here's one now" said Sasha "get your flower scout cookies, they are good"

"Eh sorry I just bout three from a block away" said the guy

"WHAT!!" Said Sasha ripping the box of cookies apart


Sarah, Yuki, and Luke were getting a lot of costumers, they were selling a lot

"Yuki how's it going over at your side?" Asked Sarah

"Good so far" said Yuki "Try our new flower scout cookie recipe, take 3, you know what take 5, they're really good" the costumer then gave Yuki the money

"What the fuck is going on!" everyone looked at who said that and they saw Sasha getting really angry

"Oh hello Sasha how's it going on your end of the sale" said Sarah

"How the fuck are you making more costumers then we are!!" said Sasha

"Because we made new flower scout cookies" said Sarah

"Yeah and right now we made $187" said Yuki

"And the girls are loving it too, but it's not the cookies their loving the most" said Sarah

Sasha, Erin, Tabii looked at Luke who had girls screaming for him and buying more cookies

"Yeah so we're fine here, you should probably go back to your shitty bake sale" said Sarah

Sarah and Yuki were laughing at them, then everyone went back to wanting more of their cookies now

"Ta ta" said Sarah

Sasha got very angry and I mean very angry at this and she won't let them take over


Sasha was really angry as she was with Erin and Tabii from where their stand is

"UGH!! We can't let them be number 1 because we are number one!" Yelled Sasha

"Those skanks are selling the most cookies!" said Tabii

"If only we can get them to stop selling more cookies" said Erin

"Or get them locked in a room so they don't have to sell more cookies" said Sasha with an evil smirk as she knew what she was going to do

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