episode 6: The humiliation

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Everyone was at the mess hall Max, Nikki, and Neil were sitting together Neil was looking at his food observing it, while Nikki was playing with her food, and Max was just thinking about the scavenger hunt about how he has feeling for Roxy now, he then was looking at her, but then someone threw food at Max's face he looked who it was and saw that it was Nikki, Nikki expected Max to be mad at her, but he wasn't he just sat there silent, Nikki and Neil were wondering why

"Hey Max you alright" asked Nikki

"Y-yeah why"answered Max

"Because you didn't say anything to Nikki when she threw her food at you" said Neil

"Oh right I'm not feeling it today I just have a lot in my mind today" said Max

"Like what" asked Neil

"I don't know just a lot okay!" Snapped Max

Neil then went back to examining his food while Max was still thinking about Roxy ~ugh this can't go on their gonna find out eventually I need to do something about this~ thought Max

Suddenly Preston popped out of the table and announced his play "attention campers tonight I will be performing my play Dreamland"

Max then thought of a plan that might lower his feeling for Roxy "guys I have a plan and this is involves Roxy, Olivia, and Juan" said Max to Nikki and Neil, Max the gave a sinister smile.

What is Max plan and why does this involves Roxy, Olivia, and Juan find out on the next scene

Sorry I didn't post this sooner I had writers block

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