episode 4: Daniel's back

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Roxy, Olivia, and Juan were just walking around the camp, but then saw David their standing and Max, Nikki, and Neil were looking at him Roxy, Juan, and Olivia tried to slowly walkaway so they wouldn't be noticed, but David noticed them

"Roxy, Juan, Olivia" said David "can you please come over here"

While they were still walking over there Olivia squinted at Roxy angrily"What did you do"

"I did nothin for once" said Roxy annoyed

They walked up to David and the were standing next to Max, Nikki, and Neil

"Okay kids I want you to meet an old friend" said David he looked behind and the guest wasn't here "oh one moment don't move" David left to find the guest

When David left Max squinted at Olivia angrily Olivia was afraid Roxy noticed what Max was doing to Olivia so Roxy looked at him with crazy eyes and slide her finger through her neck Max was scared at first, but looked at her with anger "yeah that's what I thought ya little bitch" whispered Roxy to Max

David came back with his guest and everyone was shocked he looked like David, but with blond hair and a white jumpsuit Max, Nikki, and Neil were shocked to see him because of their past Olivia and Juan were shocked to see two Davids Roxy did two, but she has to deal with 2 Davids now

"Olivia, Roxy, Juan meet Daniel Max, Nikki, Neil you remembered Daniel" said David

"David are you serious why the hell did you hired Daniel again" snapped Max

"Well I thought that Daniel was just misunderstood" said David

"HE TRIED TO KILL US" snapped Max

"Right, but maybe he deserves a second chance" said David

"WHAT" said everyone

"Come on kids I just think he's just misunderstood" said David

"David come on he tried to sacrifice us" said Neil

Daniel looked at the Max, Nikki, and Neil "now kids I know I did a lot in the past, but I promised I changed"

"Yeah right" said Max

Daniel looked at Roxy, Olivia, and Juan and he was concerned who they were

"Daniel I want you to meet our new campers Roxy, Olivia, and Juan" said David

"Oh I see" said Daniel while cracking his head

Roxy looked at him like she didn't trust him and Daniel was concerned about Roxy something about Roxy is off about her

"Now come on kids let's do some fun activities" said both of them

Roxy was about to snap she yelled all day from the mess hall from activity's from going to bed


Roxy pulled herself together and just went for a walk around the camp with Olivia and Juan

"Finally letting all that anger out already Roxy" said Olivia

"Probably I have a few left, but I'm saving that for later" said Roxy

They walked into the forest, but suddenly the campers have jumped out of nowhere they were wearing white suits

"What the FUCK" said Roxy

Suddenly Roxy was grabbed by Max, Olivia was grabbed by Neil, and Juan was grabbed by Nikki something was off about them they were wearing white suits and a big grin on their faces

"Why hello their kids" said Daniel

"What's going on" said Olivia

"Oh I'll tell you what, I'm going to sacrifice you kids"

"OH GOD" yelled Olivia in fear

"Now I'm going to need one of you kids to go into the sauna" said Daniel

They didn't want to go in their Daniel looked at Roxy she wasn't terrified of Daniel he snapped his finger to her face she didn't blink he knew she was off so Daniel did one thing"let the girl go" they were wondering which girl "the girl with short hair" they let her go

"Ha big mistake buddy prepare to die. Wait where'd she go" said Olivia

They saw her run to the forest

"Now where were we" said Daniel being creepy

They were scared of him and they don't know what to do

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