Episode 8: Steve, Jeff and Lazy Hayley

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It was morning and the campers are at the mess hall

Roxy, Olivia, and Juan are on Roxy's phone watching Disney +, they were laughing at what they were watching, David was approaching them with Max, Nikki, and Neil, Roxy snatched her phone away and hid it so David won't look

"Hello kids, Max, Nikki, and Neil will be sitting with you, they tried to get into trouble, so I'm going to put them right here, okay bye" said David, David left and Max, Nikki, and Neil sat in front of them

"Ugh, this is a bad view" said Roxy, Roxy then took out her phone and they started watching Disney + again "much better" they then started laughing again, "what, how does that even work, that is an impossible would you rather"

"Or a stupid one, but it's funny" said Olivia

Roger ran up to them and said "guys guess what"

"Your going back to Langley falls" said Roxy while still looking at her phone

"No, apparently I'm stuck her for the rest of the summer" said Roger

"Is that your good news because it sounds like bad news" said Roxy

"First off, no, second, how dare you" said Roger "the good news is, Steve Hayley, and Jeff are coming to stay for the summer, isn't that great"

"That depends, is Stan and Francine coming too?" asked Roxy

"No" said Roger

"Then that's wonderful news yay, I guess" said Roxy

"I'm surprised Hayley's coming, isn't she lazy, I mean we call her lazy Hayley" said Olivia

"She was forced to come" said Roger

"Ohh" said Roxy, Olivia, and Juan at the same time in sync

"What the hell are you talking about?" Asked Max

"None of your business cat eyes" said Roxy

"Ha, oh my God they really do look like cat eyes" said Roger

"So when are they coming?" Asked Olivia

"There on their way" said Roger

David then opened the door to the mess hall "Alright campers we have new camp counselors, meet Steve, Hayley, and Jeff" announced David, Steve, Jeff, and Hayley were right behind David

"Huh, what do you know, their here" said Roxy

David then realized he forgot someone "oh, right, and Klaus"

"Wait, Klaus was coming" said Roxy

"Oh yeah, he is, I just didn't tell you because I hate him" said Roger

Hayley, Steve while holding Klaus, and Jeff walked up to them

"Hey Roger, I'm a counselor, yeah, that technically makes me a man now" said Steve

"Heh, keep saying that to yourself" said Roxy

"Watch it or I'll make you clean the toilets Roxy" said Steve

"Try that and I will shoot you in the head Steven Anita Smith" said Roxy

"Well, I'm a counselor now and that means that I get to have fun here other then you children" said Steve

"Says the guy who's afraid of his own shadow" said Klaus

"HOLY SHIT, THE FISH CAN TALK!!" Yelled Neil freaked out along with Max and Nikki

"Yeah cause Klaus's brain was transported into a fish, now he's just a German fish" explained Roxy

"Roxy, are these guys your friends?" asked Jeff

"Oh God no, they are NOT my friends" said Roxy

"Yeah, SHE is a nightmare to be around with" said Max

"Aw, thanks" said Roxy touched by his words

Max glared at Roxy and Roxy gave Max a smirk

"Alright campers go outside to do your first activitie" said David

"Yes, let's do this thang" said Steve running out of the mess hall

"Don't embarrass yourself, you already have much of the embarrassment when I pants you at your school, still worth it" said Roxy as she and her siblings got up from their seats and walked out of the mess hall and so did Max, Nikki, and Neil

"I honestly thought they were a couple" whispered Hayley to Klaus

"Oh yeah bro, same" said Klaus

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