Never mess with Roxy and her family

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Olivia was asleep, but got up because she felt something crawling on her she woke up and notice bugs she screamed her lungs out in the mess hall was worst they all throw food at her all the campers were in it because she doesn't fit in she had a bad day in activity's they all laugh at her for trying Max made sure of that by making things worst once the day was over she went to the docks looked at herself in the lake

Roxy saw Olivia and said "Woah what happened to you" said Roxy she then saw Olivia in tears "H-Hey you okay Olive" she said with a sad face "here let me help you up" she handed her hand out Olivia grabbed her hand and got up, but barely so Roxy gave her a hand by carrying her bride style " So you wanna tell me what happen" said Roxy with a sad face and was concern

Olivia didn't want to say it "If I tell you can you promise me not to get angry" said Olivia

Roxy said "Of course"

Olivia took a deep breath and finally spoke " Do you know Max with a blue hoodie and black poofy hair"

"Yeah" said Roxy with a concerned look

"Well I was doing what Max was say basically like his puppet and I finally said no, but today he told everyone to treat me like crap and now he said he'll make my life a hell hole her" said Olivia

"WHAT!" Roxy said that while dropping her on accident or maybe on purpose"OH HELL NO!!" She yelled " I'm going to give him a piece of my mind" she snapped

"Hey you said you wouldn't be angry" said Olivia in an unamused voice

"And I said I would do charity with you, but HERE WE ARE OLIVIA HERE. WE. ARE.!!!" Yelled Roxy

Everyone was in the mess hall Max was talking to Nikki and Neil, but everyone stopped talking when Roxy kicked down the door she had an angry look on her face and eyes her cheek look like some one slapped her and point at Max and said "YOU!" Roxy walked up to Max and slapped him in the cheek really hard everyone stared in shock

"OWW! WHAT THE FUCK!" Yelled Max

"Don't give me that crap" said Roxy she then grabbed Max by the colour of his hoodie and threaten him "Now listen here you criatura(creature in Spanish) no one manipulate my family, BUT ME!" Yelled Roxy "You messed with the wrong family and sinse you made my sister summer a living hell I'm going to make all your lives a living hell" said Roxy with an evil look on her face

When she said that David came and said "alright what's going on here"

Roxy came up to David with tears flowing down her cheeks "David M-Max sla-slapped me on the ch-cheek really hard" said Roxy with tears on her face

David looked at Roxy's cheek and looked at Max unamused"Max"

"David I didn't -" Max got cut off by David

David looked at him and said "I am very disappointed in you go to your tent"

"But David!" Max tried to tell him, but he didn't want to listen to him

"Now" said David

When David left everyone were all eyes on Roxy and no one bother to tell David or Gwen after the power she possesses

Roxy looked at them from the side "starting now" she said with an evil look

Everyone looked at her with terrifying looks on her

Alright that's the end of episode one episode two will come next what do you think is going to happen find out on Camp Camps new campers

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