The team up

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Roxy, Olivia, and Juan were just relaxing in a tree  while they were talking, the Max, Nikki, and Neil showed up to their spot, Roxy, Olivia, and Juan were concerned why they are here

Roxy got up from her spot and told them "what the fuck are you three doing here, this is our spot"

"Oh of course we know, but we have a proposition with you guys" said Max

"What the hell do you want" asked Roxy

"Well do you know that play that Preston is performing at night" said Max

"You mean that gay play we all are force to watch" said Roxy "yeah so"

"Well me, Nikki, and Neil are going to make that play better if you know what I mean" said Max

"Oh I know what you mean and" said Roxy

"And we want you guys to help us do it right" said Max

"Why" asked Roxy

"Because you guys have shown that you guys are more mischievous then we are" said Max

"Go on" said Roxy

"So with your guys mischief we can work together and cause mischief to that play" said Max

"Hmm" Roxy was squinting at Max then leaned closer to him while looking through his soul

"Are you looking through my soul" said Max

"Yup and it isn't pretty" Roxy "sure I'll do it, but only because we're bored as fuck" said Roxy

Roxy and Max shook hands as they made a deal and Max looked at Nikki and Neil with evil looks on their faces


Everyone at camp was at Prestons play and yet they seem to be not amused for it

While everyone was done town, Roxy, Max, Nikki, Neil, Juan, and Olivia were up town

"Guys I don't think we should do this" said Olivia

"Shut up Olivia we're doing this" said Roxy

Roxy then got out her bag of Takis and ate them while sharing with Juan and Olivia

"What are you eating?" Asked Nikki

"Takis" said Roxy "want one"

"Sure" said Nikki

"You guys want one" said Roxy to Max and Neil

"Eh why not" said Neil

"No thanks" said Max

Nikki and Neil ate the Takis and they start to feel the spice as their faces turned red

"Oh God there spicy" said Neil fanning his tongue

"That's why we love them" said Roxy "hell my baby cousin can take it, he really is Mexicano"

Preston then came in front of the stage as he starts the play "good evening everyone, I am proudly to present a play that dreams, a land that shows your every wonder to desire, ladies and gentlemen I presented to you Dreamland" everyone just clapped, the curtains opened to see Spacekid

"I'm just a boy from New Jersey, who come to see what I would dream..." suddenly Spacekid got hit by a heavy bag from the ceiling, he was in pain

Max, Roxy, Nikki, Juan, Neil, and Olivia laughed at that

And so begins the chaos

As the play goes on they pull a lot of chaos, Roxy and Max cut down too many heavy bags and it hit some of the kids

Roxy and Juan used rubber bands to hit the cardboard cutouts as some of them fell to the ground and one hit Nerris to the ground

Neil and Olivia were on the stage, they were looking for the sounds affects, Olivia then found it, and so Neil and Olivie started to mess up the sound effects, in the play it sounds like animals fighting each other and then tuned out

Juan and Nikki then started to bring gophers on stage, they were running around the stage as everyone screamed

The kids were about to finish the play, but then a bowling ball hit the stage so hard it made a hole in the wooded stage

Max, Roxy, Juan, Neil, and Olivia looked at Nikki concerned where'd she get the bowling ball or why she had it

"What?" Said Nikki

Few minutes later

Max, Nikki, and Neil were on the stage, they huddled up for their plan

"Okay do you guys get the plan" said Max

"Yup when they now we push Roxy, Juan, and Olivia to the net we plan and humiliate them" said Nikki

"Exactly" said Max

They looked at each other with evil smirks on their faces and went back up


The kids on the stage then bow as they were in pain

Max, Nikki, and Neil the through maple syrup to them and feathers at them to, everyone started to laugh, even Max, Nikki, and Neil

But Roxy was behind Max's should and whispered "I know what your up to"

Max turned around to see Roxy, Juan, and Olivia pushing him, Neil, and Nikki off as they hit the net and got to the stage


Everyone looked at them with unhappy looks

"Oo they gonna get it" said Roger in one of his persona's

Then Roxy, Juan, and Olivia threw maple syrup at them and feathers too

Everyone started to laugh at them except for David he was unhappy for what they did

Max glared at Roxy and Roxy squinted at Max with a smirk, Roxy the high fives Juan as Max, Nikki, and Neil get a punishment

Ooo looks like this just happened just wait until the next one

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