The perpetrator

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Everyone was in the mess hall because it was dinner time, then Roxy kicked the door open as she, Olivia, Juan, Wheels, the Legman, and Neil came in

"Listen up everybody, we know who did it, and the perpetrator is in this room" said Olivia

Everyone gasped

"You see, when we heard our victims stories, there was something off, see when Nikki ran with her candy and when Harrison hid and ran to his tent, and as Nurf got into the bush and walked in the wrong direction, their was something off, Nurf didn't mention an explosion, so it means that it happened before Neil's invention exploded the activities field" explained Wheels

"But when Neil hid, it was none of you, no, when we took a look in Neil's invention, Steve said that there were problems in there, but then I found something, it was round and can pin it on your clothes" explained Roxy "so the perpetrator is..." Roxy paused and said it "HIM!" Roxy pointing at Space kid

Everyone gasps

"Nah, I'm kidding, no, it was them" Roxy pointed at the vent and the perpetrators came out, it was the woods scouts

Everyone gasps

"They messed with Neil's invention, they destroyed the activities field, they are the perpetrators" said Roxy

"The real question is why?" Asked Juan

"We wanted to destroy this place, so that Camp Campbell can be ours" said Pikeman

"Wow, that is stupid of you to do that" said Roxy

"You Campbell campers haven't won yet, you will join us" said Pikeman

"Dude can you just go" said Olivia

"Never, we haven't lost yet" said Pikeman

Roxy then walked up to them and stood there with her arms crossed "get the hell out or I'll make you"

Pikeman laughed and said "what are YOU going to do about it little girl"

Roxy smirk and a few minutes later, she kicked the out with their shirt around their wastes and their pants around their torsos while Roxy had their sashes

"How dare you put our shirts around our wastes and our pants around our torsos!" said Pikeman

"Thanks for stopping, bye" said Roxy

"You give us back our sashes" demanded Pikeman

"No" said Roxy

"Why not?!" Asked Pikeman

"Cause young boys shouldn't wear sashes" said Roxy, Roxy then got inside of the mess hall and closed the door behind her

Everyone was staring at her

"Ah, your welcome" Said Roxy as she went to here table with her siblings and the Smith's

"And case close" said Wheels

"Go change back to your clothes" said Roxy

"Fine" said Wheels and the Legman

"Now that's case close" said Roxy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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