for God's sake get along

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Olivia and Juan found an X in the tree and there was a note Olivia grabbed it and then read it duh

"Congratulations you found your first clue solve this ridel if you follow your heart it'll lead you to who you want to be" said Olivia reading the note"hmm I wonder what that could be"

She was thinking on what the ridel would be, but then she heard yelling and screaming she heard them behind the bushes Juan and Olivia looked behind the bushes and saw Nurf beating Preston Olivia ran to them and said "hey leave him alone you baster"

Nurf was furious on what Olivia called him and so he dropped Preston and walked up to her by popping his knuckles Olivia was frighten, but Juan knew what to do "hey leave my sister alone" said Juan Nurf heard him and now he walked up to him Juan wasn't scared at all he then said "or else I'm calling Roxy and then we'll see what she's gonna do to you she's gonna be furious when she sees what happens I mean you remembered what she did to Max right"

When Nurf heard what Juan said he was scared because he was gonna go to Roxy and he's afraid of Roxy

Olivia walked up too Preston and she lend him a hand she told him "are you okay"

He nodded and got up Olivia was furious and told Nurf "what the hell is wrong with you why did you hurt Preston"

Nurf said nothing, but Juan had a clue "did you hurt him because you father left you" said Juan

Nurf was shocked on what Juan said "h - how did you know"

"Just a hunch" said Juan

Nurf took a deep breath and said "it's true I have father issues"

Juan was interested in what Nurf has to say he sat down and Pat the floor and said "please tell me more"

Nurf hesitated and then sat down and told him "well it all started when I joined ballet"

__________________________________________Meanwhile with Max and Roxy____

Max was holding the map and Roxy has her hands in her pockets

Roxy was tired and tired of looking at the map "Oh God I'm bored" she takes her hands off her pockets and raised them in the air and said "I'm sick of looking at you and that stupid Map" suddenly Max and Roxy fell from the ground there was a secret underground place that looks like the inside of a pyramid "where the fuck are we" said Roxy

suddenly Campbell's voice came out of a speaker it said "hello if your hearing this then that must mean your in my secret location on where I hide my stash if your me and drunk and forgot where the exit is then I'll tell you the direction" said Campbell "first you go left or was it right?"

"Oh God he is a terrible disappointment" said Roxy "I say we go left follow me"

Roxy then walked to left, but Max grabbed Roxy by the hand he said "no sorry I don't do follow let's take right"

Roxy was angry that Max grabbed her hand and he pushed him to the ground and told him "FUCK OFF!! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" Roxy then had a flash back


It started at school she was sitting at her desk while drawing this kid next to her was really annoying to her she wanted to ignore it, but couldn't he then was talking to her telling her "hey wanna be my girlfriend" in a flirting way

Roxy looked at him and said "no"

He was shocked h no one says no to him he's irresistable he didn't take no for an answer so he grabbed her wrist  really hard

"Hey let go of me" Roxy tried to let go, but she was too strong

This guy didn't want to let go of Roxy he told her "I won't take no for an answer you will be my girlfriend" in a commanding voice

Roxy was trying and trying to let go, but then her anger released from her so she got up from her desk and kicked him in the gut he fell from the ground and Roxy yelled at him"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME YOU FUCK WAD"

The teacher heard her and both of them were sent to the principals office

__________________________________________________End of Flashback__________

Roxy looked at her wrist and hold her wrist then she walked away to the left Max was wondering why she did that, but he let it slide he got up and went to the right

_________________________________________Meanwhile with Olivia and Juan____

Nurf talked about his issues with Juan Nurf was glad that he had someone to talk about issues with

"I mean you shoot ONE Pop tart in a shape of a gun and BAM! in school suspension. Suddenly your labbeled a problem child, your not like the other kids your bad, so then you get sent to a where other kids perpetuate the same negative mentality, making you worse, so that the time you return to normal school life, you actually are bad this continuing the endless cycle of crime and punishment. Until it's all that's left is a little boy, a little boy who only believes he can be what the world tells  him he is. A loser a lost cause. A bully"

Juan and Olivia was touched while Preston was frightened

"That was deep Nurf" said Olivia

"Yeah, but here's advise for you don't let all that negativity ruin your life and follow your dreams" said Juan

Nurf was touched on what he said "wow your right I'm going to follow my dreams thank you Juan you have changed my life" Nurf left

Olivia then realized the word that Juan said "dream that's it the riddle is dream"

"Oh right we're still doing the treasure hunt' said Juan

"Okay let's go find the next not" said Olivia both Olivia and Juan walked to the next clue

__________________________________________Meanwhile with Max and Roxy____

Roxy was walking for hours and then got to 3 paths she took the left

Max was walking for hours and then got to 3paths he took left

Roxy and Max got to another paths Roxy took left again and Max took right again

They kept walking until they got to each other again "AH COME ON" snapped the both of them

"Great we're stuck together" said Roxy

"Let's just go to the right" said Max

Roxy didn't want to, but she wants to get out as soon as possible and never see Max again "fine"


Max and Roxy were walking for hours they then Roxy was angry


"We're not lost were just.." said Max

"Lost" said Roxy

Max and Roxy were arguing when Max walked up to Roxy he then stepped on a trap then suddenly a big hole opened and there was a sound it came a lion came

"OH COME ON" said the both of them

The lion came running towards them Roxy and Max went running Max and Roxy were running for their lives

Roxy saw rope and Roxy had an idea "Max grab that rope"

Max then grabs the rope and Roxy was distracting the lion "hey dumbass come and get me"

Roxy went where Max was and grabbed the end of the rope and Max and Roxy ran opposite sides the lion was just standing there until the lion got tripped by the rope Roxy run to the lion and tied it up to it's four paws it didn't know how to escape the lion tried to bite the rope, buy the lion couldn't reach to the rope.

Max and Roxy were celebrating "YEAH"

"YES WE JUST DID THAT" said Roxy she and Max were about to high five, but then they stopped and hesitated they put their hands down

"Let's just go" said Roxy by walking away Max then went with her

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